Edit Meters Tab
you can use this tab to insert various kinds of counters, including PerfMon counters.
Standard Tasks:
Add Meter:
Text: a simple text label.
Active Script: displays Info gathered by a VBS or JS script, scripts should be in the \Scripts\
sub-folder of the folder in which you installed Samurize. Default path would be "C:\ProgramFiles\Samurize\Scripts"
Select Script: Choose the script filename.
Select Function: Choose the function desired from the selected script.
Run every X min How often to run the script, its advised Not to use less than 3 mins.
Test Script/Result: Allows you to test the script output and see if its correct.
Console Program: captures the output of a win32 console program or command. useful as simple plug-in support.
Date/Time Displays the Date and Time in a custom format that can be defined by the user.
Refer to the Date & Time Formatting Guide for more info.
Drive Space: returns info on physical or networked drives in various units including %.
MBM: Displays info from MotherBoard Monitor sensors.
Memory: returns info on free/used/total memory available in customizable units.
PerfMon: Perfmons are counters provided by NT OS's that provide a wealth of info on various parts of your system.
Pop3: checks the number of availiable messages on a POP3 email account.
Text File: reads a line(s) from a text-file, the counter updates automatically if the file size/modified attributes change.
Total Up/Down: shows the total bandwidth consumed on a network intferface.
Uptime: displays OS uptime in a customizable format.
Winamp: displays the song curruntly playing in winamp.
Labtop Battery: shows percentage charged or the status of a laptop battery.