KADao Controls README --------------------- Contents: 1. Description 2. Installation 3. Disclaimer of warranty 4. Copyrigh DESCRIPTTION ------------ KADao Controls are FREE pack for enchancing work with KADao KADao Controls can work ONLY With KADao 7.0 or higher version KADao Controls include: KADaoDBGrid KADaoSortByButton KADaoFilterByButton KADaoFindButton KADaoSeekButton KADaoSelectIndexButton KADaoCVFButton KADaoDateTime KADaoExportButton KADaoSearch *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** KADaoDBGrid ----------- KADaoDBGrid is a standart DBGrid descendant Howewer you can make it descendant of your favorite dbGrid Just open KADaoDBGrid.pas and change TKADaoDBGrid = class(TDBGrid) to TKADaoDBGrid = class(MYFavoriteDBGrid) KADaoDBGrid has an special menu attached to it Just click on red arrows in the top left corner of the grid an a popup menu will appear Menu contains the following topics: Select Index - gives the user an opportunity to change current index (KADaoTable.TableType must be StandartTable) Sort - gives the user an opportunity to sort the table (KADaoTable.TableType must be DynasetTable) Filter - gives the user an opportunity to filter the table (KADaoTable.TableType must be DynasetTable) Find - gives the user an opportunity to search for specific data (KADaoTable.TableType must be DynasetTable) Seek - gives the user an opportunity to search for specific data (KADaoTable.TableType must be StandartTable) Quick Find - gives the user an opportunity to search for specific data based on currently selected column in the grid (KADaoTable.TableType must be DynasetTable) Quick Seek - gives the user an opportunity to search for specific data based on currently selected column in the grid (KADaoTable.TableType must be StandartTable) Show Memos - show memos content in the grid Auto Size Columns - resizes all coumns for best fit (since entire table is calculated do not use on big tables) Fast Lookup - turns the property CacheLookups to True/False Frame Index Fields - makes a red border across the fields that are parts of an index (works only if an index is selected) Choose Visible Fields - gives the user an opportunity to select which fields to be shown in the grid Save as - export as Excel, Paradox, DBF, TXT, HTML etc.. Select All - Selects all records in the grid DeSelect All - Deselects all records in the grid Cut - Cut records to Clipboard Copy - Copy records to Clipboard Paste - Paste records from Clipboard (MSOffice format fully supported) Office-compatible Clipboard - Turns MSOffice Clipbord formatting ON/OFF Specific properties: Property ShowGridMenu : Boolean Enables/disables ability to show the attached menu Property MenuTitles : TStringList Contains menu titles You can change the text of the titles simply by changing text in this property If you put an ! at the start of the menu title then this menu item will be INVISIBLE Property FrameIndexFields : Boolean Wnables/disables ability to irame index fields Property AutoSizeColuns : Boolean When True resizes all coumns for best fit, when false restores DBGrid defaults Property FindFieldsOnPaste : Boolean When True all fields to be pasted are searched in target table otherwise paste is based on column order Poperty OfficeClipboardFormat : Boolean Turns MSOffice Clipbord formatting ON/OFF *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** KADaoSortByButton KADaoFilterByButton KADaoFindButton KADaoSeekButton KADaoSelectIndexButton KADaoCVFButton KADaoDateTime KADaoExportButton --------------------- All these buttons are attached to the same function in the KADaoDBGrid Just set DataSource property to an DataSource attached to an kadao table and all will be ok Each button has an CallBefore property if CallBefore is true then first is called user-attached function of the button and then the hard coded otherwise hard coded is called first when user clicks on the button and then user-attached function You can set Visible property of the button to false and if you want to use button functionality just call XXXButton.Click in your code. KADaoDateTime ------------- a specific component for DateTime conversion set the property DateTimeString to an string and you will get 1. Date as TDate 2. DateTime as TDateTime 3. SQLString - useful for putting the text in an SQL query 4. SQLField - useful for putting the text in an SQL query *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** KADaoSearch ----------- KADaoSearch is an ready template for performing searches based on just one field Just set DataSource property to an DataSource attached to an kadao table and all will be ok In version 2.0 a new property IcrementalSearch is added When True search is done as you type *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** INSTALLATION ------------ Open KADaoControls.dpk and press install button Thats all And sorry no support by e-mail - these components are VERY EASY for use I am very busy now Just bug reports are welcome :-) LONG LIVE FREE SOURCE! DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY ---------------------- COMPONENTS ARE SUPPLIED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. THE AUTHOR ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF COMPONENTS. USE THIS COMPONENTS AT YOUR OWN RISK COPYRIGHT --------- Copyrigh (c) 2001-2002 By KirilAntonov, Sofia, Bulgaria. All Rights Reserved. Sites : delphi.pari.bg or www.delphi.pari.bg, www.kadao.8m.com, www.delphiwarrior.freeservers.com