A stream is music data that flows from the Internet instead of from a fixed file on your system.
To play a stream, follow these steps:
Open QCD and (optional) clear the Playlist. To clear the Playlist, click the Delete button and choose Delete All.
Locate a stream on
the web. A
good place to start is www.shoutcast.com.
Most streaming web sites have a button that initiates the stream.
Drag the link (button or displayed URL) that initiates the stream right from your browser window to anywhere on the QCD player. This adds the stream as a 'track' in your Playlist.
Click the Play button. (If there is more than one track in the Playlist, you need to select the stream first.)
To play a stream if you have a URL to type:
Open QCD and (optional) clear the Playlist. To clear the Playlist, click the Delete button and choose Delete All.
Click the Add button in the Playlist, and then choose Add Music Files.
In the Open dialog box, locate the Enter URL for streaming media field, type in the URL you want, and click Open.
The stream is automatically added to your Playlist.
Click the Play button. (If there is more than one track in the Playlist, you need to select the stream first.)
For more details, see
How To: Use the Playlist