2 Error in installation data! \nThe install program is corrupted, maybe it was damaged during downloading. \bAborting installation 3 Error copying the file: " 4 " \nMaybe the harddisc is full or you do not have writing permission on this system. 5 There was an error while decompressing the files 6 Error starting the setup program! \nPlease start the install program manually, you can find it in: 7 (Errorcode: 8 The update cannot be used with the currently installed version! 9 Disk space required for the installation ( 10 The virtual memory required for the installation exceeds available size. 11 An error occurred while trying to create a temp folder. 12 bytes) \nexceeds available disk space. 13 The installation file is corrupted. Please visit www.nero.com and download the file again.