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Menu Path: Help/Purchase Upgrade Upgrade to MUSICMATCH Jukebox Plus for additional features like:
Obtain MUSICMATCH Jukebox and MX keys:
Your personal and credit card information will be processed through the Secure Internet Commerce system and an enable Key will be generated for immediate upgrade. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Japanese Credit Bureau, and Carte Blanche.
To Upgrade by Phone, you may call our toll free number from North America. We offer 24 hour order processing by phone and our sales staff will be happy to assist you with upgrading to the Enhanced version of MUSICMATCH Jukebox.
Purchase by Mail is the only option that
will allow you to register your program without using a credit card. Choose
the Purchase by Mail option and
enter your personal information on the resulting page. Print, complete,
and mail the form, with payment, to our corporate offices at: 16935
W Bernardo Dr.
You may send payment by check or money order. Checks and money orders must be drawn from a US bank and all funds must be in US$. Your Upgrade request will be processed the same day it is received and your enable Key will be emailed to you promptly. (If you send a check please allow extra time for funds to clear).
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