Print (Music Library and Playlist)


Menu Path: File/Print

For CD jewel cases and labels click here


When you upgrade to MUSICMATCH Jukebox Plus, you can print the contents of your Music Library or Playlist. You must first have a printer installed on your computer or network.

  1. Go to the menu File/Print on the Player. The Print window will open to show your default printer.

  2. In the Print What section, choose to print a Music Library or Playlist.

    • Under Options, you can select your view criteria to print out your list in the layout of your preference. You can also choose whether to include gridlines in your printout and/or page numbers. Both are selected by default.

    • You can return to the default settings at any time by selecting "Default Settings"

  1. In the Layout section, choose a specific layout for the print job. Default will print to an 8.5x11 inch page. Click the Print Preview button to help you decide which layout is best.

  2. Once you have your options setting to your preferences, click OK. You will return to the main print window. Select the number of copies you'd like to print and click OK.


Also see:

Print Jewel case Inserts and CD labels