

Menu Path: File/Convert

From the File menu, choose Convert to open the MUSICMATCH File Format Conversion screen. From this screen you can convert:

  • WAV files to .MP3 (and mp3PRO) files

  • MP3 (and mp3PRO) to WAV

  • MP3 (and mp3PRO) to MP3 VBR (and mp3PRO VBR)

Converting files

  1. From Source Data Type at the bottom/left of the conversion screen, specify the format of the files you wish to convert; either MP3, mp3PRO, or WAV.

  2. From Source Directory at the top/left of the screen, browse for the location of the source file.

  3. Select the file(s) you would like to convert from Highlight Files to Convert in the middle/left, by clicking on each file. You may select all files in the directory by choosing Select All at the bottom left. To deselect files, choose Select None.

  4. Determine which directory the converted file(s) will be saved to from Destination Directory at the top/right.

  5. The Destination Data Type options, on the bottom/right, will change depending on the Source Data Type.

    • If your Source Data Type files are .mp3, or mp3PRO files, the Destination Data Type will default to WAV.

    • If your Source Data Type files are .wav files, the Destination Data Type will default to MP3 128 kbps.

  1. Click the Start button. A converting file screen will allow you to view the conversion progress.

The newly created .mp3 file(s) can be seen in the Converted File Names window on the middle/right.