CD Lookup
Menu Path: Options/Settings/CD Lookup Connectivity CD Lookup is a database comprised of thousands of artist, album, and track titles. When you insert a CD in your CD-ROM drive to record to digital file, and you have an Internet connection, MUSICMATCH Jukebox will attempt to import all title, artist, and track data into the Recorder screen. This information will cross over to the Music Library upon recording completion. If CD Lookup does not return any information, your track titles will be listed as Track 1, Track 2 and so on. The most common reason for this being that the information on that CD is not in the CD Lookup database, or your Internet connection has failed. CD Lookup Settings
Proxy Server - This is an I.P. address or URL that the firewall resides at. Enter in the I.P. or URL in the space provided. Often this information is available from your System Administrator. Port - This is a number that the firewall assigns. Enter in the port number in the space provided. Often this information is available from your System Administrator.
User Name - Enter in the user name you have been assigned by your System Administrator. Password - Enter in the password you have been assigned by your System Administrator.
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