AutoDJ (Automatic Playlists)


Menu Path: Options/Playlist/Auto DJ

There are two ways to create Playlists: Automatically using AutoDJ, and Manually. Be sure your music files have Tag Info filled in.

To create Automatic Playlists:

  1. Click the AutoDJ button on the Music Library window

  2. In the (1) Enter Play Time field, enter in the number of hours you'd like your Playlist to be. Entering in the number '1' will create 1 hour of Playlist music.  Tip

The next section (2) is where you define what type of music to put into the auto Playlist. Tip

  1. In the left hand column, decide the general type of music, or Criteria, with which to create the Playlist. Click any round button to the left. A list of available music options will be displayed to the right.

  2. Next check the check box(es) to the right to tell AutoDJ what specific music you want to hear. A list of all available track titles, or music preferences, will be available according to the Criteria you chose.

  3. After you have made your selections click the Preview button to view the number of songs to be added to the Playlist, and the total play time. By clicking the up and down arrows to the left of the Preview button you can scroll through the specific songs selected.

  4.  To create the Playlist, click the Get Tracks button.

To further define your Playlist use the second and third criteria boxes. For example, select only "Classic Rock" titles with a preference rating "Excellent" (second criteria) and which are appropriate for "Party" situations (third criteria). You may select more than one category in a criteria choice simply by holding in the Ctrl button on the keyboard and clicking on multiple categories.

"And" and "And Not" buttons.