ProDelphi 8.02 Hints for measuring DLLS. This part is not in the program description ! For the purpose of showing how to measure procedures inside a DLL, I created a small project. It consists of: 1. Program - STATIC.DPR - DPR-file of a main program that links a DLL statically - STATMAIN.PAS - Unit for STATIC - STATMAIN.DFM - Form for STATIC - DYNAMIC.DPR - DPR-file of a main program that links a DLL dynamically - DYNAMAIN.PAS - Unit for DYNAMIC - DYNAMAIN.DFM - Form for DYNAMIC 2. DLL - EXDLL.DPR - DPR-file to create the DLL - TESTPROC.PAS - Unit with the procedure to be measured Just read the comments in the named PAS- and DPR-files, it shows all necessary actions that have to be taken.