CoolTrayIcon is a tray icon component. It allows you to easily implement tray icons in your own applications, with various appearances and behaviors.
Icon | property Icon: TIcon; The icon to display in the tray. This icon is 16x16 pixels and 256 colors (16 colors in Win9x and NT). If you use an icon file (*.ico) containing more than one icon, Delphi will use the first icon. If it's not 16x16 it will be scaled, which probably won't look good. |
IconVisible | property IconVisible: Boolean; Whether to display the icon. This property has no effect in design mode. |
Default false |
Hint | type THintString = ShortString; property Hint: THintString; The tray icon's hint (max 128 chars), which is displayed when you move the mouse cursor over the tray icon. NOTE: On some older Windows versions (before IE 5) the hint is max 64 chars. NOTE: The time until the hint window closes is determined by Windows, so don't bother trying to change the interval, because you can't. Setting Application.HintPause and Application.HintHidePause has no effect. |
ShowHint | property ShowHint: Boolean; Whether to show the hint. |
Default true |
PopupMenu | property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; The popup menu you want to display when the icon is clicked. |
Default true |
LeftPopup | property LeftPopup: Boolean; Whether you want the popup menu to pop up when you click the left mouse button. Default is false, meaning only the right button will work. NOTE: LeftPopup must be false (or the popup menu unassigned) if you want to double click the tray icon without displaying the popup menu. LeftPopup must be false if you want CoolTrayIcon to handle a menu that has a default menu item. |
Default false |
Enabled | property Enabled: Boolean; Works like Enabled for other controls, enabling/disabling keyboard and mouse input. Useful when you want to temporarily disable the popup menu, say while you are displaying an about box or some other modal window. |
Default true |
IconList | property IconList: TCustomImageList; An ImageList containing icons. If it contains other images than icons, the tray icon won't change when using CycleIcons, but no error occurs. NOTE: When you assign to IconList IconIndex is set to 0. NOTE: In D2 and D3 the property is of type TImageList in stead of TCustomImageList. |
IconIndex | property IconIndex: Integer; The current icon in the assigned iconlist (or 0 if no iconlist is assigned). |
CycleIcons | property CycleIcons: Boolean; Animates the tray icon by cycling through all the icons stored in IconList and assigning them to Icon. When you set CycleIcons to true, it will begin with the first icon in IconList. NOTE: CycleIcons can be true even though you have no IconList. No cycling will occur in that case, but the cycle timer is still active, which will consume some resources. |
Default false |
CycleInterval | property CycleInterval: Cardinal; The time interval in milisecs. before selecting a new icon from IconList. |
DesignPreview | property DesignPreview: Boolean; Enables you to preview the tray icon in design mode. You can watch what the icon looks like, see its hint, enable/disable it, test the popupmenu, and animate it via CycleIcons. NOTE: Set DesignPreview to false to avoid the design time icon appearing when you run your program. This is only a problem in the Delphi IDE, not in the finished exe-file. I couldn't find a way to kill the design icon in run-time, so you'll have to do it yourself. NOTE: Setting DesignPreview in run-time has no effect. |
Default false |
Handle | property Handle: HWND; The tray icon's handle. |
WantEnterExitEvents | property WantEnterExitEvents: Boolean; Whether you would like to receive the OnMouseEnter and OnMouseExit events. These events require an internal timer to be active, so if you have no use for them set WantEnterExitEvents to false to minimize resource usage. |
Default false |
Behavior | type TBehavior = (bhWin95, bhWin2000); property Behavior: TBehavior; This property does not affect the tray icon's behavior in any visible way. It determines which messages are dispatched to the application when the user interacts with the tray icon (specifically, right mouse clicks result in a WM_RBUTTONDOWN followed by a WM_RBUTTONUP message in Win95 mode, but in Win2000 mode a WM_CONTEXTMENU, NIN_SELECT, or NIN_KEYSELECT message is dispatched. For details, see the Remarks section on this page). Probably the only case where you should consider changing the value of this property, is when you send messages to the tray icon programmatically, using PostMessage or SendMessage. NOTE: This property is public, not published. |
Default bhWin95 |
MinimizeToTray | This property applies only when the owner of the
tray icon component is a form. property MinimizeToTray: Boolean; Whether you want to hide the main form instead of minimizing it. The form will hide and the tray icon will show. |
Default false |
Refresh | function Refresh: Boolean; Redraws the tray icon. You probably don't need to ever call this method. |
Returns true or false |
ShowBalloonHint | type TBalloonHintIcon = (bitNone, bitInfo, bitWarning, bitError); type TBalloonHintTimeOut = 10..60; function ShowBalloonHint(Title: String; Text: String; IconType: TBalloonHintIcon; TimeoutSecs: TBalloonHintTimeOut): Boolean; Shows a balloon hint (a kind of "sticky" popup hint). NOTE: Balloon hints are available in WinME, Win2000, and WinXP only. Calling this method in other Windows versions has no effect. NOTE: You can use up to 64 chars for the title and up to 255 chars for the text. The hint is visible for 10-60 seconds, or until the user clicks it (or until you programmatically hide it). You cannot show a balloon hint if the tray icon is not showing, and hiding the tray icon hides any balloon hint. NOTE: The HideBalloonHint method is automatically called by ShowBalloonHint, so you don't get multiple balloon hints. |
Returns true or false |
HideBalloonHint | function HideBalloonHint: Boolean; Hides the balloon hint (if any). |
Returns true or false |
PopupAtCursor | procedure PopupAtCursor; Pops up the associated popupmenu (if any). This method is usually called automatically in response to an OnClick event, but you can call it manually if you want the popupmenu to appear at other times. The menu will appear at the current cursor coordinates. |
BitmapToIcon | function BitmapToIcon(const Bitmap: TBitmap; const Icon: TIcon; MaskColor: TColor): Boolean; Renders and returns an existing icon based on the bitmap given as parameter. The bitmap should be 16x16 pixels. Specify a color to be shown transparently or clNone for no transparency. NOTE: Bitmaps that are not exactly 16x16 will be scaled up or down. |
Returns true or false |
GetTooltipHandle | function GetTooltipHandle: HWND; All tray icons share the same tooltip window (the hint popup). This method returns the tooltip handle. |
Returns handle or 0 if error |
GetClientIconPos | function GetClientIconPos(X, Y: Integer): TPoint; Returns the cursor position inside the tray icon. Will return coordinates between (-1,-1) and (16,16). You would expect the coordinates to vary between 0 and 15, but Windows adds a border 1 pixel wide to all tray icons, which is appparently considered to be part of the tray icons. Depending on whether the tray icon has other tray icons as neighbours to the left, right, top, or bottom, the border is inserted as Windows sees fit. So in other words, this method is not exact. You should expect a variation of 2 pixels. If anyone sees a way to patch this, let me know. |
Returns position in a TPoint |
ShowMainForm | This method applies only when the owner of the
tray icon component is a form. procedure ShowMainForm; Shows the main form. NOTE: It is important that you use this method when displaying the form, as it contains important calls that affect how the form and the application display themselves. See the demo app. |
HideMainForm | This method applies only when the owner of the
tray icon component is a form. procedure HideMainForm; Hides the main form. |
ShowTaskbarIcon | This method applies only when the owner of the
tray icon component is a form. procedure ShowTaskbarIcon; Shows the application's taskbar icon (not to be confused with the tray icon). | |
HideTaskbarIcon | This method applies only when the owner of the
tray icon component is a form. procedure HideTaskbarIcon; Hides the application's taskbar icon (not to be confused with the tray icon). NOTE: If you display a child form the taskbar icon will become visible again automatically. This is standard Windows behavior. |
OnClick | TNotifyEvent; Works like the similar event for window controls. NOTE: The Click event corresponds to a MouseDown followed by a MouseUp. If no DblClick event is assigned the Click event fires immediately (ie. after the MouseUp). Otherwise it will wait for a small period of time to see if the user clicks again, in which case we have a double click. If no DblClick event is assigned a double click will actually cause the Click event to fire. This is intentional. |
OnDblClick | TNotifyEvent; Works like the similar event for window controls. |
OnMouseDown | TMouseEvent; Works like the similar event for window controls. |
OnMouseUp | TMouseEvent; Works like the similar event for window controls. |
OnMouseMove | TMouseMoveEvent; Works like the similar event for window controls. |
OnMouseEnter | TNotifyEvent; Fired after the cursor enters the tray icon. Requires the WantEnterExitEvents property to be true. |
OnMouseExit | TNotifyEvent; Fired after the cursor leaves the tray icon. Requires the WantEnterExitEvents property to be true. |
OnCycle | procedure(Sender: TObject; NextIndex: Integer) of object; Fired just before the icon changes via CycleIcons. Returns the next index in the assigned imagelist. |
OnBalloonHintClick | TNotifyEvent; Fired when the user clicks the balloon hint. |
OnBalloonHintHide | TNotifyEvent; Fired after the balloon hint closes because another application needs to show a balloon hint, or because you called the BalloonHintHide method. |
OnBalloonHintTimeout | TNotifyEvent; Fired after the balloon hint closes because it timed out. |
OnMinimizeToTray | This event applies only when the owner of the
tray icon component is a form. TNotifyEvent; Fired when the application is about to minimize to tray. Useful if you want to do special processing, like animation effects, when the app. gets minimized (hidden). NOTE: MinimizeToTray must be true for this event to fire. |
OnStartup | This event applies only when the owner of the
tray icon component is a form. procedure(Sender: TObject; var ShowMainForm: Boolean) of object; Fired initially at application startup when the main form is about to display. Set the ShowMainForm parameter to false if you don't want the form to display. NOTE: May fire multiple times for an MDI form (once for every child form created at startup). NOTE: This event occurs before the form's OnCreate method (if used with a form). NOTE: Replaces the StartMinimized property found in earlier versions. |
..... Application.Initialize; Application.ShowMainForm := False; .....
PostMessage(CoolTrayIcon1.Handle, WM_TRAYNOTIFY, Integer(CoolTrayIcon1), WM_LBUTTONDOWN);
Application.Minimize; CoolTrayIcon1.HideMainForm;
If you use the component some credit somewhere in your app. would be a nice gesture, but it is not a requirement.
The component should work on any Windows platform (Win9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP). If you experience any problems related to the operating system you use, please tell me. Also, it should work in Delphi 3 and up (Delphi 2?) and C++Builder 3 and up. Again, tell me if I'm wrong.
A word about services: CoolTrayIcon does not require its owner to be a form. This allows you to use it for non-windowed apps. such as services. Some of the properties, methods, and events don't make sense without a form, but rather than creating a superclass without these properties/methods/events I've simply let them stay in CoolTrayIcon itself. You can use them in your service app., but they will not do anything. I figured the component would be more flexible and easier to extend into subclasses this way.
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Troels Jakobsen