TEXTvw - text file viewer for Win9x/NT version 1.1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright (c)1999 Milan Broz e-mail: asi@seznam.cz www : http://www.stud.fee.vutbr.cz/~xbrozm00/textvw/ Freeware. TEXTvw comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Requires MS Windows 9x or NT4 with RICHED20.DLL (if you haven't this DLL, see www page). About TEXTvw ~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEXTvw is fileviewer for text files encoded in various code pages (cp437 - US, cp852 - Latin II, cp895 - Kamenicky, Win1250, ISO Latin II - 8859-2 and cp866 - Russian codepage). It tries to use as much as possible characters from windows fonts. Files can be exported into RTF (using Unicode for extended characters) or printed using windows printer interface. Note: extended characters are exported in UNICODE, you need Unicode-enabled editor to correctly read this (e.g. Word97 and above) Files to view can be specified as commandline parameters, wildcards (*,?) are allowed everywhere. Instalation ~~~~~~~~~~~ Copy files TEXTVW.EXE and TEXTVW.INI into working directory. Program doesn't modify windows registry nor any other files. Using and distributing TEXTvw ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEXTvw may be used for any purpose, at no cost. It may be distributed by any means, provided that the original files as supplied by the author remain intact and no charge is made other than for reasonable distribution costs. TEXTvw may not be distributed with any commercial product without a prior license agreement with the author.