Sending and Receiving Notes
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Sending and Receiving Notes via Internet Mail
The Send Note feature allows you to send a note via Internet Mail. The note will be
delivered via the recipientÆs email address. If the recipient is running a version of Post-it« Software
Notes that has the Internet Mail Message Service installed, your note will also
appear as a desktop note, with its graphics and formatting preserved. You must
have access to an SMTP/POP3 Internet email account for this Message Service to
function. Standard and Office Editions include additional ways to send and receive notes from other computers.
To send a note:
Before you send your first note, you must first configure Post-it« Software
Notes in Preferences. You must be connected to the Internet and have an email service. To learn
more about how to set up your computer for sending and receiving notes, read Preferences about the Internet Mail Tab.
Once you are correctly configured, to send a note all you do is:
- Create and edit your note. You must write your note before addressing it.
- Address and send your note.
Select the hierarchical menu Send Note To > from the Note Menu to select a recipient.
Send Back to: (only if note was previously sent to you)
- If you are replying on a note sent from someone else, the hierarchical menu
will show the Send Back to: option. Make sure you edit your reply message before selecting this option, because the note is sent immediately.
Favorites >
Others... (Send your note to someone new, or to more than one person.)
- If you want to send the note to someone not on your Favorites list, or
- If you want to send the note to a person you havenÆt sent to before, or
- If you want to send the note to more than one person, then
Select the Others... option. This brings up the Send Note dialog.
Send Note dialog (after selecting Send Note to: Others)
To send a note, select a name from your Personal List, or click on the Internet Mail tab and type the full Internet email address (e.g., on the Internet Mail tab. Add the address to the Send to: list on the right by clicking on the
button. Or, you can double click names and addresses on your Personal List
to add them to the Send to: list. After selecting any number of recipients, click the Send button to send the note immediately.
Click here to learn how to create a Personal List of your often-used addresses, including groups and individuals. These
addresses will appear on the My List tab. When you set up your Personal List, you can also create a special Favorites group of the most frequent addresses that you send notes to.
Click here to learn how to set up your Internet Mail in Preferences. You must know the address of your SMTP and POP3 servers.
Feedback after sending a note
After clicking the Send button, you'll get feedback if any notes could not be
sent. (See Preferences for feedback options.) If the note was not delivered, you can choose to Resend the note at a later time.
Note: You can close the Sending to: dialog at any time and the note will still be sent. You can also do other
tasks while the dialog is up.
If there was a problem sending the note, a Resend button will appear on the Sending dialog. When you click Resend, the Send Note dialog will re-appear. A new dropdown menu will be available next to the Send button, where you can select a time between now and 24 hours from now for the
note to be resent.
Note: Your computer must be connected to the Internet at the time the note is
to be sent.
Receiving a note...
The note will appear on your desktop, and a copy will be sent to the POP3
email account listed in the Internet Mail tab of Preferences. A notifier will
appear on the Notepad or in the Taskbar.
Click the notifier on the Notepad
or in the Taskbar
to expose the received note. The notifier will remain visible until you have
exposed all received notes.
Other Receiving Notes Options
My Personal List
You can create a Personal List to save you having to type frequently used
addresses every time. You can also merge someone else's list with yours. Click here for more information on your Personal List.
Other Sending and Receiving Notes Options
Select Preferences from the Notepad Menu and go to the Sent Notes tab:
After sending: Select whether you would like to show the results of your sent note while
sending, or only when the note failed to be sent.
Check the Insert æA note from <your name>Æ into sent notes checkbox to include your name in the notes you send.
Make sure that you have checked the Enable sending & receiving notes checkbox if you want to send notes to, or receive notes from, others.
When using Internet Mail to send notes:
--You will not be able to send notes when your email system is temporarily
down or inaccessible.
--Unsuccessful email delivery and replies to your notes may be reported within
your email system. Check your regular mail as you normally would for such
--Messages sent from Post-it« Software Notes will not be logged by your email
system or put in your Outbox (sometimes called your Sent mailbox).
Internet Mail Troubleshooting
Having problems sending notes?
Are you sure that your email account uses SMTP/POP3 servers?
Are you sure that you are connected to the Internet when you try to send your
Use the Return Address that is associated with your SMTP (outgoing) email
Having problems receiving notes?
Have you entered your email address, your user name and your password
Click on Internet Mail tab in Preferences > POP3 Server Information > Check for Notes Now.
If Post-it« Software Notes is unable to successfully poll your POP3 Server,
you will get an error message indicating so. Try re-entering your User name and
password and click Check for Notes Now again.
Click here to see if there is more up-to-date explanations in the FAQ part of
the Post-it« Software Notes website.