Innerfuse Pascal Script III (IFPS3) Files in this distribution: help/ - Help documents (html format) and examples demo/ - Test application. demo_import/ - Test application with class library. demo_kylix/ - Kylix test application. ifps3.pas - The runtime interpreter ifpscomp.pas - The compiler ifps3common.pas - The Common types and constants used by IFPS3 ifps3lib_std.pas - The standard library ifps3lib_stdr.pas - The standard library (runtime) ifps3utl.pas - The utility unit - The include file readme.txt - Readme (this file) license.txt - License Agreement ifpidll2runtime.pas - runtime dll support. ifpidll2.pas - Compiler dll loading support. ifpidelphiruntime.pas - runtime Delphi functions importer. ifpidelphi.pas - compiler Delphi functions importer. ifpiclassruntime.pas - runtime class support. ifpiclass.pas - compiler class support. ifpicall.pas - Call library used by all runtime calling units. ifpii_*.pas - Import libraries (compiler) ifpiir_*.pas - Import libraries (runtime) IFPS3CompExec.pas - A component wrapper around IFPS3 Tested under D4, D5 and D6 and K2. Support: NNTP: news:// E-Mail: Carlo Kok