Innerfuse Pascal Script 3
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Adding Delphi functions to the script
- Create an instance of a TIFPSPascalCompiler
- Create an OnUses event handler
- Add the function in the OnUses event.
- Compile the script
- Save the compiled output and free the instance of TIFPSPascalCompiler
- Create a TIFPSExec
- Add the function to the executer.
- Load the compiled script
- Execute it
This should look like:
procedure MyOwnFunction(const Data: string);
// Do something with Data
function ScriptOnUses(Sender: TIFPSPascalCompiler; const Name: string): Boolean;
{ the OnUses callback function is called for each "uses" in the script.
It's always called with the parameter 'SYSTEM' at the top of the script.
For example: uses ii1, ii2;
This will call this function 3 times. First with 'SYSTEM' then 'II1' and then 'II2'.
if Name = 'SYSTEM' then
{ Register the standard library. The standard library is in the
ifps3lib_std.pas unit. This will register all standard functions like
Copy, Pos, Length.
RegisterDelphiFunctionC(Sender, 'procedure MyOwnFunction(Data: string)');
{ This will register the function to the script engine. Now it can be used from within the script. When adding
functions always leave the const out, this is not yet supported but doesn't make a change. This function can be
found in the ifpidelphi.pas file. }
Result := True;
end else
Result := False;
procedure ExecuteScript(const Script: string);
Compiler: TIFPSPascalCompiler;
{ TIFPSPascalCompiler is the compiler part of the scriptengine. This will
translate a Pascal script into a compiled for the executer understands. }
Exec: TIFPSExec;
{ TIFPSExec is the executer part of the scriptengine. It uses the output of
the compiler to run a script. }
Data: string;
Compiler := TIFPSPascalCompiler.Create; // create an instance of the compiler.
Compiler.OnUses := ScriptOnUses; // assign the OnUses event.
if not Compiler.Compile(Script) then // Compile the Pascal script into bytecode.
// You could raise an exception here.
Compiler.GetOutput(Data); // Save the output of the compiler in the string Data.
Compiler.Free; // After compiling the script, there is no need for the compiler anymore.
Exec := TIFPSExec.Create; // Create an instance of the executer.
{ The functions registered at compile time also need to be registered at runtime. These
functions can be found in the ifps3lib_stdr.pas unit. }
RegisterDelphiFunctionR(Exec, @MyOwnFunction, 'MYOWNFUNCTION', cdRegister);
{ This will register the function to the executer. The first parameter is the executer. The second parameter is a
pointer to the function. The third parameter is the name of the function (in uppercase). And the last parameter is the
calling convention (usually Register). This function can be found in the ifpidelphiruntime.pas file. }
if not Exec.LoadData(Data) then // Load the data from the Data string.
{ For some reason the script could not be loaded. This is usually the case when a
library that has been used at compile time isn't registered at runtime. }
// You could raise an exception here.
Exec.RunScript; // Run the script.
Exec.Free; // Free the executer.