+ added property
- removed property
* modification
# bug fix
Version 2.5.0 released 2002-08-20
* adaption to TSynaClient
+ can specify outgoing IP interface
+ function SNMPGetNext
+ function SNMPGetTable for very easy reading of SNMP tables
+ function SNMPGetTableElement for very easy reading of SNMP table cell
Version 2.3.3 released 2001-08-27
* published sock property
Version 2.3.2 released 2001-07-23
* optimalizations.
Version 2.3.1 released 2001-06-17
# fixed encoding of SNMP packet
Version 2.3.0 released 2001-02-10
* chceck for consistency of decoded data. More robust when reply data is incomplete or broken.
# fixed small memory leak.
Version 2.2.0 released 2000-10-24
# handling signed and unsigned integer values
* Clear not reset ID
Version 2.1.0 released 2000-09-18
* all times is now in millisecond!
- ConvertvalueType
* All MIB type uses ASN1_* constants (before uses TSNMPMIBValueType)
+ TSNMPRec.DecodeBuf automaticly detect value type
+ TSNMPRec.EncodeBuf now support all possible value types
Version 2.0.0 released 2000-08-20
+ Major update: full support of SNMP protocol (reading and writing values).
Version 1.1.0 released 2000-02-01
- ASN.1 support routines moved to separate unit.
Version 1.0.0 released 2000-01-10
+ Class TSNMPSend implementing SNMP protocol.