function SendContacts(UIN: LongWord; Contacts: TStringList): Word; (DC)
Sends contacts to UIN. Each line in Contacts TStringList has the following format: User's UIN=User's NickName,
User's NickName can be empty.
Returns ID of the packet if direct connection with UIN has been estabilished, otherwise it returns 0. As a response you will receive OnDirectPacketAck event with this ID.
procedure TMainForm.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var List: TStringList; begin List := TStringList.Create; List.Add('52341243=Monica'); List.Add('12333391=Britney'); List.Add('8213876='); List.Add('1234333=Bob'); List.Add('925464568='); ICQClient1.SendContacts(4024781, List); List.Free; end;