Terrain Colors/Texture Editor
GenesisII generates realistic surface textures and colors using fractalization techniques.

This set of parameters control the basic fractalization of the landscape.

Standard Surfaces
Unless Terrains are used, GenesisII renders the landscape surface using colors and textures controlled by these parameters. GenesisII uses the concept of a surface to define how different areas of the landscape will be rendered. Areas on the landscape are assigned as belonging to different surfaces on the basis of altitude, slope parameters and the structure of the surface tree. Surfaces differ from terrains in that it is not possible to explicitly assign a particular area of the landscape to a particular surface, rather the assignment is made by GenesisII on the basis of the surface information provided.

The tree list box on the left of the section shows the surface tree. Landscapes always have a minimum of three surfaces - Below Treeline, Intermediate, and Above Snowline. New child surfaces can be assigned to any of these primary surfaces using the new button. These can be split further if necessary. All surfaces can be renamed using the edit box above the surface color controls.

All surfaces require two colors to be assigned. GenesisII will apply these two colors to the surface by considering local conditions and the Bias setting. If a single color is required simply set both color controls to the same value.

Texture Parameter
The following parameters affect the surface texture.

Distribution Parameters
These parameters contol the distribution of the texture on the landscape surface.