Room Arranger, version 1.11

Copyright ⌐ Jan Adamec (Adasoft), 2002

This program is intended for designing interiors of rectangular rooms. It allows you to place furniture, items and other objects. You can additionally move and rotate objects, change their colors and dimensions.

This file serves as a help for the program and we recommend you to print it and eventually read it.


  1. License Agreement
  2. Install And Uninstall
  3. Files in the Distribution
  4. Getting Started
  5. Adding Objects
  6. Catalogue of Predefined Objects
  7. Saving Into File
  8. Tricks
  9. Localization


The program is freeware and it can be distributed only free of charge. Using of the program is free of charge as well.

The program is provided "as-is", and no warranties of any kind (including implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose), express or implied, are made as to it or any medium it may be on. Under no circumstances will we provide any other remedy for direct, indirect, special, consequential, punitive, incidental or other damages arising from it, including such from negligence, strict liability, or breach of warranty or contract, even after notice of the possibility of such damages.

Installing and using the program signifies acceptance and agreement to the terms and conditions of this license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must cease to use the program and remove the program from your storage devices.


The program is distributed with an installation program. Leave "Additional Languages" checked if you want to install other languages (not only english) and then select the directory to install in. You can launch the program from the Start menu.

In order to uninstall the program you must launch the Uninstall command from the Start menu (Start-Programs-Room Arranger) or select the corresponding item in Start-Settings-Control panel-Add/Remove Programs.


   Language\*.lng - translations into other languages
   Sample.mst   - example of one room
   Readme.html  - this file
-> RooArr.exe   - program executable file
   Whatsnew.txt - version history


At first, we recommend you to look at the example. Open it using the menu command Room->Open and select the file Sample.mst (distributed with the program). Try to study it and play with objects. Then you can create your own room using the menu command Room->New.

At the beginning, you should define the dimensions of the room. You can do it in Room->Change Size. All numbers in the program are in centimeters, but you can abstract from it and you can consider numbers as in meters, inches, etc...

Room dimensions are displayed on the status bar. You can find there also the mouse position in respect to the upper left corner of the room and used zoom factor (see menu Zoom).

Windows and doors are the first objects to be added to the room. You should place then very precisely.


Objects are added using two possible ways: either from menu Objects->Add Object or right-clicking on the free space in the room (recommended). The dialog window will appear and you can change the properties of the new object. Pressing OK button will add the object and then you can adjust its position move using the mouse.

If you right-click the object placed in the room, you can select one of the following commands from the pop-up menu:

  1. Properties - edit the object properties
  2. Remove Object - delete the object
  3. Bring to Front ...
  4. Send to Back - these functions are good for placing the objects on the top of another object (for example put TV on the cupboard, push a chest under the table,...). In that case, you must sort them by the help of exactly these two commands.

Menu command Objects->Listing is dedicated to displaying the list of all objects in the room. You can remove objects or change their properties by clicking the right mouse button.


... can be very handy feature, but it is maybe the most difficult part of the program. You've certainly spotted it on the right side of the Object properties window. If you select some predefined object and press Load button, its properties will be transferred into the object from the room which you are currently modifying.

You can transfer any existing object to the catalogue to save its definition for later use. Just press Save button. Object is stored with some name, so try to input something reasonable, accurate and general at the same time.

At the first start, the program will create a simple catalogue with a few helpful objects (text caption, window, example of a door). The catalogue is saved in the file named Catalog.msk in the program directory. You should not edit it manually. It is much better to use menu command Objects->Browse Catalogue. Then you can:


It is strongly recommended, that you save your product into the file from time to time. There are several commands in the Room menu. Furthermore, you can save the result as an image that can be for example inserted into a text editor (like MS Word), add some comments and then print it.


  1. If you don't have a rectangular room, but somehow deformed, just define the room larger and create some bold rectangles to fill the deformed areas.
  2. To insert floating text caption, create a rectangle with transparent line and fill color. This object is already predefined in the Catalogue. So just load it and change the caption.


Since version 1.11, the program is distributed also in other language mutations, not only in czech. Translations are provided by normal people (like you) who find this program useful and they want to support it.

If you want to join them and help with the translation into some non-translated language, you already saw any program in that language, contact us using e-mail You will have to translate only one text file (all translations are in the Language directory) and insert correct constant into the LanguageID line (I will provide it). Just keep the same sense, the rest is fully up to you. Conversion of this help file is optional.