Převod mezi arabskými a římskými číslicemi

Private Function NumberToRoman(nArabicValue As Long) As String

   Dim nThousands As Long
   Dim nFiveHundreds As Long
   Dim nHundreds As Long
   Dim nFifties As Long
   Dim nTens As Long
   Dim nFives As Long
   Dim nOnes As Long
   Dim tmp As String

  'vezmeme zaslanou hodnotu a rozdělíme ji na hodnoty,
  'reprezentující počty jedniček, desítek, stovek atd.
   nOnes = nArabicValue
   nThousands = nOnes \ 1000
   nOnes = nOnes - nThousands * 1000
   nFiveHundreds = nOnes \ 500
   nOnes = nOnes - nFiveHundreds * 500
   nHundreds = nOnes \ 100
   nOnes = nOnes - nHundreds * 100
   nFifties = nOnes \ 50
   nOnes = nOnes - nFifties * 50
   nTens = nOnes \ 10
   nOnes = nOnes - nTens * 10
   nFives = nOnes \ 5
   nOnes = nOnes - nFives * 5
  'Pomocí funkce String vytvoříme série řetězců, reprezentujících počet
  'jednotlivých hodnot
   tmp = String(nThousands, "M")

  'Je třeba zachovat jisté zásady při práci s římskými číslicemi při vyjadřování
  'určitých hodnot - totiž některé "předsazené" číslice při reprezentaci určité hodnoty

   If nHundreds = 4 Then
      If nFiveHundreds = 1 Then
         tmp = tmp & "CM"
         tmp = tmp & "CD"
      End If
      tmp = tmp & String(nFiveHundreds, "D") & String(nHundreds, "C")
   End If
   If nTens = 4 Then
      If nFifties = 1 Then
         tmp = tmp & "XC"
         tmp = tmp & "XL"
      End If
      tmp = tmp & String(nFifties, "L") & String(nTens, "X")
   End If
   If nOnes = 4 Then
      If nFives = 1 Then
         tmp = tmp & "IX"
         tmp = tmp & "IV"
      End If
      tmp = tmp & String(nFives, "V") & String(nOnes, "I")
   End If
   NumberToRoman = tmp
End Function

Private Function RomanToNumber(ByVal strRoman As String) As Long

   Dim cnt As Long
   Dim strLen As Long
   Dim nChar As Long
   Dim nNextChar As Long
   Dim nNextChar2 As Long
   Dim tmpVal As Long

  'převod na malá písmena a test na chybné znaky
   strRoman = LCase(strRoman)
   If InStr(strRoman, "iiii") Or _
      InStr(strRoman, "xxxx") Or _
      InStr(strRoman, "cccc") Or _
      InStr(strRoman, "vv") Or _
       InStr(strRoman, "ll") Or _
       InStr(strRoman, "dd") Then
      'Nalezena chyba, takže končíme
       RomanToNumber = -1
       Exit Function
   End If

  'Pro každý znak v římském vyjádření čísla nalezneme jeho numerickou reprezentaci.
  'Například římské číslo 1995 (MCMXCV) je reprezentováno řetězcem "757352"

   strLen = Len(strRoman)
   For cnt = 1 To strLen
      Select Case Mid$(strRoman, cnt, 1)
         Case "i": Mid$(strRoman, cnt, 1) = 1
         Case "v": Mid$(strRoman, cnt, 1) = 2
         Case "x": Mid$(strRoman, cnt, 1) = 3
         Case "l": Mid$(strRoman, cnt, 1) = 4
         Case "c": Mid$(strRoman, cnt, 1) = 5
         Case "d": Mid$(strRoman, cnt, 1) = 6
         Case "m": Mid$(strRoman, cnt, 1) = 7
      End Select

   For cnt = 1 To strLen
      nChar = CInt(Mid$(strRoman, cnt, 1))
      If cnt < strLen Then
         nNextChar = CInt(Mid$(strRoman, cnt + 1, 1))
         If cnt < strLen - 1 Then
            nNextChar2 = CInt(Mid$(strRoman, cnt + 2, 1))
            nNextChar2 = 0
         End If
        Select Case nChar

            Case 7: tmpVal = GetTmpVal2(nChar, _
                                        nNextChar, _
                                        nNextChar2, _
                                        tmpVal, _
                                        cnt, 1000)

            Case 6: tmpVal = GetTmpVal2(nChar, _
                                        nNextChar, _
                                        nNextChar2, _
                                        tmpVal, _
                                        cnt, 500)
            Case 5: tmpVal = GetTmpVal2(nChar, _
                                        nNextChar, _
                                        nNextChar2, _
                                        tmpVal, _
                                        cnt, 100)

            Case 4: tmpVal = GetTmpVal2(nChar, _
                                        nNextChar, _
                                        nNextChar2, _
                                        tmpVal, _
                                        cnt, 50)

            Case 3: tmpVal = GetTmpVal2(nChar, _
                                        nNextChar, _
                                        nNextChar2, _
                                        tmpVal, _
                                        cnt, 10)

            Case 2: tmpVal = GetTmpVal2(nChar, _
                                        nNextChar, _
                                        nNextChar2, _
                                        tmpVal, _
                                        cnt, 5)

            Case 1: tmpVal = GetTmpVal2(nChar, _
                                        nNextChar, _
                                        nNextChar2, _
                                        tmpVal, _
                                        cnt, 1)

        End Select
        tmpVal = tmpVal + ConvertValue(nChar)
    End If
    If tmpVal = -1 Then Exit For
   RomanToNumber = tmpVal
End Function

'Pomocné funkce
Private Function GetTmpVal2(nChar As Long, _
                            nNextChar As Long, _
                            nNextChar1 As Long, _
                            tmpVal As Long, _
                            cnt As Long, _
                            intValue As Long) As Long

   If nNextChar > nChar Then
      If ((nNextChar - nChar = 1 And _
          (nChar <> 2 And nChar <> 6)) _
      Or (nNextChar - nChar = 2 And _
         (nNextChar <> 4 And nNextChar <> 6))) _
      And nNextChar1 < nNextChar _
      And nNextChar1 <> nChar Then
         tmpVal = tmpVal + ConvertValue(nNextChar) - intValue
         cnt = cnt + 1
         tmpVal = -1
      End If
      tmpVal = tmpVal + intValue
   End If
   GetTmpVal2 = tmpVal

End Function

Private Function ConvertValue(ByVal nVal As Long) As Long

   Select Case nVal
      Case 7: ConvertValue = 1000
      Case 6: ConvertValue = 500
      Case 5: ConvertValue = 100
      Case 4: ConvertValue = 50
      Case 3: ConvertValue = 10
      Case 2: ConvertValue = 5
      Case 1: ConvertValue = 1
   End Select
End Function


Autor: The Bozena