Zjištění informací o GIF obrázku

Do deklarační části formuláře zapište:

    Width             As Long
    Height            As Long
End Type

Private Function GetGIFInfo(ByVal FileName As String) As BITMAPINFO

    Dim bChar As Byte
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim DotPos As Integer
    Dim Header As String
    Dim blExit As Boolean
    Dim a As String, b As String
    Dim ImgWidth As Integer
    Dim ImgHeight As Integer
    Dim ImgSize As String
    Dim fnum As Integer
    Dim ImageInfo As BITMAPINFO
    On Error Resume Next
    fnum = FreeFile
    Open FileName For Binary As #fnum

    ImgSize = LOF(fnum) / 1024

    DotPos = InStr(ImgSize, ",")
    ImgSize = Left(ImgSize, DotPos - 1) '& "," _
    & Left(Right(ImgSize,Len(ImgSize) - DotPos), 2)

    For i = 0 To 5
        Get #fnum, , bChar
        Header = Header + Chr(bChar)
    Next i

    If Left(Header, 3) <> "GIF" Then
        MsgBox FileName & ": není soubor GIF."
        Close #fnum
        Exit Function
    End If

    Get #fnum, , bChar
    a = a + Chr(bChar)
    Get #fnum, , bChar
    a = a + Chr(bChar)

    ImgWidth = CInt(Asc(Left(a, 1)) + 256 * Asc(Right(a, 1)))

    Get #fnum, , bChar
    b = b + Chr(bChar)
    Get #fnum, , bChar
    b = b + Chr(bChar)

    ImgHeight = CInt(Asc(Left(b, 1)) + 256 * Asc(Right(b, 1)))

    Close #fnum

    With ImageInfo
         .Width = ImgWidth
         .Height = ImgHeight
    End With
    GetGIFInfo = ImageInfo

End Function

Na formulář přidejte tlačítko a na jeho událost Click:
Private Sub Command1_Click()


   ABC = GetGIFInfo("d:\transit\ponte.gif")
   Debug.Print CStr(ABC.Height) + "x" + CStr(ABC.Width)

End Sub


Autor: The Bozena