What's new
in v 3.01 ?
This section describes what has changed in
Resplendent Registrar v 3.01 since version 3.00.
Registrar now
contains a set of registry bookmarks for each operating system. These registry
tweaks are provided by Winguides.
Registrar now
displays a button in registry editing windows and the bookmark editor which will
open up a browser window with additional information about a registry tweak, key
name or value.
The bookmark
editor now remembers the last accessed bookmark at startup.
It is now
possible to export a single bookmark category.
Bug solved:
Registrar would unexpectedly terminate when exporting or editing a large registry file
Bug solved:
Registrar would unexpectedly terminate when undoing large registry operations
Bug solved:
Registrar would refuse to rename registry values on Windows 95 and 98.
Bug solved:
Registrar would not allow editing NT4 machines from Windows XP.
Bug solved: the
feature 'Selecting existing parent key when jumping to a non-existent registry
key or value' would not work
What's new
in v 3.00 ?
This section describes the new
features and improvements in Resplendent Registrar since version 2.05.
Support for Windows XP
- Resplendent Registrar is now fully compatible
with all versions of the Windows XP operating system.
Search and Replace now supports Regular
Expressions and Binary Data
- Now you can use the power of regular
expressions when searching your registry for matching data, keys and value
names. Also, the option to search and replace binary data according to your
specifications is now possible.
Search feature in Bookmark Editor
- Search feature makes it more easy to quickly
find back often accessed keys.
Automatically bookmarks and describes all
SID keys with corresponding account names
- For every registry key containing a SID (like
for instance S-1-5-21-507921405-1580436667-1708537768-1003), a bookmark
description will be added reflecting the user name which corresponds to the
Registry key selection boxes
- Wherever you have to specify a registry path,
a simple Browse button will allow you to specify it in an easy way. Previously
it was necessary to drag and drop a registry key from an editor window or use
copy and paste to specify the registry address.
Registry monitor now displaying timestamp in
- The registry monitor now displays the
timestamp of each registry operation in milliseconds. This now will allow you
to restore the original order of the registry operations as many registry
operations used to be sharing the same timestamp.
Visual Improvements
- Visual changes have been made to the software
in order to better reflect the spirit of the time.
Advanced options
- Binary data in registry values in editor windows can now be displayed as
either text or binary data.
- Now you can choose whether HKEY_CURRENT_USER
should be visible when editing remote registries.
- Added option that allows you to have each
registry window displayed as a separate button on the task bar.
- Added option that allows you to have each tool
window displayed as a separate button on the task bar.