Remote Registry Editing


Resplendent Registrar allows editing registries on remote computers in the network.

In order to edit the registry on other computer, choose Connect to Remote Registry from the File menu. Now enter the name or address of the computer you wish to connect to and click Ok. If the registry on the remote computer is accessible, then the contents of the registry will appear in a new window. You can edit a remote registry in the same way as your local registry.

Certain functionality, like the registry monitor, backup, restore and undo will not be available. In the advanced options dialog there is a setting that allows you to make your local bookmarks become available when editing remote computers.

note.gif (980 bytes) Note: registries on other computers in the network may not automatically become accessible. One of the conditions is that the Remote Registry Service is running on both the client and the server machine. Also connecting using certain combinations of Windows operating systems may not be working well. Please refer to your Windows documentation to setup Remote Administration or Remote Registry Editing. Our Registry Support Website contains some links to articles on this subject.