Registry Activity Monitor


Note: This functionality is only available on Windows XP/2000/NT.

Resplendent Registrar offers you the option to monitor registry changes of external applications and the system and allows you to undo them later. To start the monitor, press the Start button.

In order to allow changes by external applications to be restored, you may be prompted to allow the software make a backup of your registry if no recent backup is available.  Several options on this behavior can be set in the Advanced Options Dialog.


Each time an application or the system performs a registry change operation,  an entry will appear in the view. 

The first column represents the time the action took place with milliseconds precision. Note that the time displayed here may be slightly different from the exact moment it happened. Registrar ensures that each operation displays a unique time-stamp so that columns in the view can be resorted in their original order.
The second column tells you the name of the process that performed the registry operation.
The column after that tells the registry operation that took place, similar to the name of a Windows API function. 
The fourth column tells you the registry key in which the activity took place. You can jump to this key in the editor by selecting it and clicking the Jump To button. 
The fifth column tells the name of the value that was affected by the activity. If no registry value was involved, this column remains blank. 
The sixth column tells whether the operation succeeded or otherwise displays the error that occurred. 
The seventh column eventually displays the contents of the value that was affected, if the operation affected a registry value.

To clear the display, press the Clear button. If no items were selected, the whole view will be cleared, otherwise only the items that are selected will be removed.

In order to restore the changes since the last backup, press the Restore button. See Registry Backup and Restore for more details.

There is an option to save the activity log to a text file. To do so, click the Save log button. Each action will appear on a new line and the columns will be separated by commas.