Registry Compare Tool


Resplendent Registrar offers a simple tool which allows you to test if the contents of two registry keys are the same.

Comparing the contents of two registry keys

You can drag any registry key from a registry editing window into the Registry Compare Tool window in order to specify the keys of which you would like the contents to be compared with each other. Alternatively, you can type in the names of the registry key paths and the names of the machines on which they are located in the appropriate fields.

Click the Compare button to start comparing the contents. A message will popup which will tell if the contents of the keys are the same or whether differences were encountered. Note that this is just a basic comparing tool which only tests if the number and names of all subkeys and values of both keys are the same and whether they are from the same type and contain the same data.  It does not report any details on differences encountered and nor does it test if the registry security settings for both keys are the same.