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P°ehled mezinßrodnφch sφ¥ov²ch projekt∙
pro zßkladnφ a st°ednφ Ükoly
╪ada domeΦk∙

	       Name: Luz Garcia
	     E-Mail: nazary@hayas.edu.mx
	Institution: Colegio Las Hayas (primary)
	   Location: Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
            Summary: Half of team leaves from Xalapa, the other half leaves from their city.  Somewhere in route, they meet.

Other Comments:
  Sixth graders. 
  Half of team leaves from Xalapa, the other half leaves from their 
  city of origin.  Teams may "travel" by car, bus or train.  Teams will 
  keep a daily log of distance travelled, costs involved (tickets, 
  hotels, etc.) with conversions: peso-dollars, miles-kilometers.  Teams 
  will include a brief resume in their log of important geographic 
  features encountered (rivers, mountains, etc.) as well as features of 
  important cities.  Teams will plot their route on a map.  A box of 
  memorabilia may be assembled which might include:  maps, travel 
  brochurs, schedules, etc. 

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