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Project Author: Nanci Hamilton-Hoffman (hamilton-hoffman@att.net)

Project Title: Schoolyard Animals Around the World

Project Begin & End Dates: 10/01/00 to 4/30/01

Project Summary:
During field experiences, students will collect digital images of schoolyard animals, upload the pictures, hold collaborative chats, research, record, interpret and share data on each animal while using a variety of appropriate software to publish a virtual book, Schoolyard Animals Around the World.

Project Details
Project Level: Advanced

Curriculum Area: Language, Mathematics, Science, Technology

Technologies Used: CU-SeeMe or Other Video Conferencing, Email, NetMeeting or Other Sharing, Web Based Discussion Forum

Project Sponsor: None

Full Project Description:
Schoolyard Animals Around the World Project will strengthen the classroom curriculum in language mathematics, science and computer education to prepare students for a society demanding a high degree of technological and scientific literacy, make mathematics, language, science and computer education more exciting and increase at-risk student participation in a variety of environmental field experiences by using problem-solving techniques that emphasize active experimentation, photography,  cooperative learning, collaboration between cultures and teamwork.

Dewey says, ôNature and earth should be equivalent terms and so should earth study.ö He further suggests that students experience a personally unified curriculum--one that makes sense to them in terms of human experience and, particularly, in terms of their own experience. As we implement this project, we will personalize and unify the curriculum through a variety of hands-on, tactile activities such as interviewing animals, collecting animal activity data and photographs using digital cameras and producing computer generated reports. Through weekly collaborative chats, students will share information and set a course for the direction of the Schoolyard Animals Around the World web site.

These objectives are taken from The Florida State Sunshine Standards found at  http://www.steps.uwf.edu/steps/Standards/welcome.cfm

SC.G.1.2.1   knows ways that plants, animals, and protists interact.

SC.G.1.2.2  knows that living things compete in a climatic region with other living things and that structural adaptations make them fit for an environment.

SC.G.1.2.5 knows that animals eat plants or other animals to acquire the energy they need for survival.

SC.G.1.2.7 knows that variations in light, water, temperature, and soil content are largely responsible for the existence of different kinds of organisms and population densities in an ecosystem.

SC.G.2.2.1 knows that all living things must compete for Earth's limited resources; organisms best adapted to compete for the available resources will be successful and pass their adaptations (traits) to their offspring.

SC.G.2.2.2 knows that the size of a population is dependent upon the available resources within its community.

SC.G.2.2.3 understands that changes in the habitat of an organism may be beneficial or harmful.

SC.H.1.2.1 knows that it is important to keep accurate records and descriptions to provide information and clues on causes of discrepancies in repeated experiments.

SC.H.1.2.2 knows that a successful method to explore the natural world is to observe and record, and then analyze and communicate the results.

SC.H.1.2.3 knows that to work collaboratively, all team members should be free to reach, explain, and justify their own individual conclusions.

SC.H.1.2.4 knows that to compare and contrast observations and results is an essential skill in science.

SC.H.1.2.5   knows that a model of something is different from the real thing, but can be used to learn something about the real thing.

AT.   Completes assigned tasks in work related projects in a high quality and timely manner.

AT.   Works as a team member on projects

AT.   Leads team members on project.

AT.   Applies a variety of organizational and procedural skills to assignments and projects in school or community.

AT.  Performs all assigned tasks and/or roles in a cooperative group.

AT.   Creates a simple technology-based project applying math, science, social studies, and/or language arts skills.

AT.   Solves problems by using appropriate technology and applies computer software to solve problems.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: hamilton-hoffman@att.net

Registration Acceptance Dates: 9/01/00 to 1/01/01

Number of Classrooms: 10

Age Range: 9 to 13 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://www.bucklake.leon.k12.fl.us/Hoffman//GSH/schoolyard.html

Registration Instructions:
A simple email will "reserve" your participation.  Email support available from Nanci Hamilton-Hoffman .
Resources needed:
a digital camera

E-mail account for the teacher.

Software needed: Netscape or other browser, Fetch or other ftp program, Front Page, Flash, or other appropriate web authoring programs.

Specific reference material in the classroom,  school library or Reference CD.

Project Contact Information
Nanci Hamilton-Hoffman - mailto:hamilton-hoffman@att.net
Classroom Teacher -  Buck Lake Elementary School
Tallahassee, Florida

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