P°ehled mezinßrodnφch sφ¥ov²ch projekt∙
pro zßkladnφ a st°ednφ Ükoly
3Com, the well-known maker of telephone modems, has an ambitious
Internet project to survey a major portion of the Internet-using
world on social (non-commercial) issues. The project will run
from November 15 to 18 this fall. There is a student version
of the survey, along with teacher resources. Rick Smolan and
Jennifer Erwitt, creator and director of the bestselling "Day
in the Life" photography books, designed and produced the Planet
It would be hard to find a more appropriate Web activity for
Grades 10 (survey sampling) and Grade 12 (data analysis) Math.
Social Studies teachers who teach by inquiry may find that the
questions being posed are relevant to that curriculum also.
Internet surveys present sampling problems -- Grade 10 Math
can cover this -- but taking this survey ought to spark
interest among your students since it provides them with
datasets in which their own responses can be compared with
responses from students around the world.
The Web site is http://students.planetproject.ca/en/index.html;
click on "Student Underground" for the student survey and
teacher resources.
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