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Project Author: Susan Gaer (sgaer@yahoo.com)
Project Title: Virtual School and Community
Project Begin & End Dates: 1/15/01 to 6/30/01
Project Summary:
Students describe their school and communit via digital photos, streaming audi/video and written description and share it with another school.
Project Details
Project Level: Advanced
Curriculum Area: Arts, Business, Community Interest, Health and Physical Education, History and Social Studies, Information Technology, Language, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Vocational Education
Technologies Used: Email
Project Sponsor: none
Full Project Description:
We will soon begin the third cycle of our School Virtual Visit Project. It's called the School and Community Virtual Visit because students will also share with their partner school pictures and writing about themselves and their community. The project is designed for students who would like to collaborate and learn in a global environment using e-mail and the World Wide Web.
Here's how it works: your class will be matched with a class in another part of the country or world. Here's what each class will do:
* Step 1: You and your students make a Web page of a tour of your class, school and community. You'll need access to a digital camera (or a regular camera and scanner) and you, your students, or someone will need to make and put up Web pages.
* Step 2: Your class looks at the Web page tour of your partner class and then your students email the students in your partner class questions about their community and school. Partner class students also e-mail you their questions about your Web page tour. ╩
* Step 3: You answer each others' questions by e-mail, and possibly continue back and forth with more questions and answers.
Step 4: You compile the questions and answers on a Web page and link these to your original Web page tour.
All this generally takes 3 - 5 months. If it sounds like a project you would like to learn more about and possibly participate in, join our Virtual Classroom and Community electronic list by sending a blank email message to: classvv-subscribe@listbot.com
To develop an awareness of one's own community and other gobal communities
To inprove writing and language skills
Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: sgaer@yahoo.com
Registration Acceptance Dates: 1/08/01 to 3/30/01
Number of Classrooms: amy
Age Range: 15 to 19 years
Target Audience: Anyone
Project URL: http://www.otan.dni.us/webfarm/emailproject/school2000.htm
Registration Instructions:
This project is especially good for ESL students
Project Contact Information
Susan Gaer - mailto:sgaer@yahoo.com
Associate Professor - Santa Ana Colllege, School of Continuing Education
Santa Ana, California
© 2000 IT PedF UK Praha