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Project Author: Mercedes McKay (mmckay@stevens-tech.edu)

Project Title: Global Sun / Temperature Project

Project Begin & End Dates: 10/30/00 to 12/15/00

Project Summary:
This project will give students the opportunity to determine how the average  daily temperature
 and hours of sunlight in a specific location are affected by how close that location is to the equator.

Project Details
Project Level: Advanced

Curriculum Area: Community Interest, Language, Mathematics, Science

Technologies Used: Web Based Discussion Forum

Project Sponsor: CIESE, Stevens Institute of Technology

Full Project Description:
In this collaborative project, students gather local temperature and sunlight data during a
specific week of the project. This information, along with specific latitude and longitude
 descriptors of the school location, is submitted to the web site.  The data from all participants
 is compiled into a database which the students will use to compare and contrast their
 temperature and sunlight data with results from classes all over the world. The students will
 answer the question, "How does proximity to the equator affect average daily temperature and
hours of sunlight?" Students' final reports will be posted on the web site.

Students will determine how the average daily temperature and hours of sunlight in a specific location are
affected by how close that location is to the equator.Through email correspondence, students will learn how
 temperature and climate affect the lifestyles of people in different communities.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: jkoen@stevens-tech.edu

Registration Acceptance Dates: 8/21/00 to 11/27/00

Number of Classrooms: no limit

Age Range: 9 to 15 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://www.k12science.org/curriculum/tempproj/

Registration Instructions:
Please review the project requirements and join only if you can meet them all.  To view the
 project requirements and learn how to register for the project visit the project web site
at http://www.k12science.org/curriculum/tempproj/ and click on the READ THIS FIRST button.
Note: Your class will be responsible for taking the measurements the week of November 27 -
December 1, 2000.  Details can be found on the project web site.

Project Contact Information
Mercedes McKay - mailto:mmckay@stevens-tech.edu
Senior Internet Curriculum Specialist -  Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, New Jersey

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