

[C] countable noun pencil, friend, house
[U] uncountable noun water, advice, health
[C,U] noun which can be countable or uncountable

ability, quantity, exercise
You should take some exercise.
I do my exercises every morning.

See also Study page: Countable and uncountable nouns.
[group] noun which refers to a group of people and can be used with either a singular or a plural verb government, class, team
The French team are European champions.
His team is top of the league.
[plural] plural noun, used with a plural verb trousers, scissors, jeans
[no plural] noun which can be used with 'a' and 'an', but does not have a plural rush, human race, wait
Sorry, I'm in a rush.
[usually plural] noun usually used in the plural form statistics, resources, regulations
[usually singular] nouns usually used in the singular form mess, range, world