InstallSHIELD Software Coporation (c) 1990-1997 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES MEDIA FOLDER_PROGRAMS SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDERJ LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE ISOSVERSIONINFO ISIOSVersionInfoSize ISIMajorVersion ISIMinorVersion ISIBuildNumber ISIPlatformId szISCSDVersion KERNEL32 GetVersionEx SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo ODBCCP32 SQLInstallDriverManager ODBCCP32 SQLInstallerError ODBCCP32 SQLInstallDriverEx ODBCCP32 SQLInstallTranslatorEx ODBCCP32 SQLConfigDriver ODBCCP32 SQLConfigDataSource _Unodbc UndoODBC KERNEL GetSystemDirectory _regtlb RegTlbFile32 illbase AddFile2 KERNEL SetCurrentDirectory DSETUP DirectXSetupA dialog OptionDialog dialog ShortcutDialog Decode wait.bmpRD wait.bmp;0,0,06 wait.bmp;0,0,06 TEXTware\BOOKcase40\IllRegSv.exe" $ TWASPL.OCX$ RegTWASPLOCXbc TEXTware\BOOKcase40\IllRegSv.exe" $ TWATBS.OCX$ RegTWATBSOCXbc TEXTware\BOOKcase40\IllRegSv.exe" $ TWABUT.OCX$ RegTWABUTOCXbc TEXTware\BOOKcase40\IllRegSv.exe" $ TWAIMC.OCX$ RegTWAIMCOCXbc TEXTware\BOOKcase40\IllRegSv.exe" $ TWAPNL.OCX$ RegTWAPNLOCXbc TEXTware\BOOKcase40\IllRegSv.exe" $ TWASCR.OCX$ RegTWASCROCXbc TSETUP.INI& RunAfterRestartRa TSETUP.INI& RunAfterRestartParameterRb CLD001CP( CAE002CP( CLD099CP( UPDATE\CIDE01\ CIE001CPa FilePathsa bc BC40VCP1.EXEa CDCOPSa NETDIRa MUSTBEEMPTY% UPDATE\CIDE01\ CIE001CPa FilePathsa bc COPSVCP1.EXEa CDCOPSa NETDIRa MUSTBEEMPTY% UPDATE\CIDE01\ CIE001CPa FilePathsa bc COPSVCP1.QZ_a CDCOPSa NETDIRa MUSTBEEMPTY TSETUP.INI& DirectXNeededR bc40\DX5USA% bc40\DX5USA\DIRECTX SETUPa CompanyNameR CompanyName not defined! SETUPa ProductVersionR ProductVersion not defined! PRODUCT_KEYR Uninst.isuE ERROR_UNINSTSETUPR DISKSPACEWARNINGR ERROR_READINGFREESPACER BOOKcase 4.0a ERROR_READINGFREESPACER BOOKcase 4.0a ERROR_READINGFREESPACER BOOKcase 4.0a COMPANY_NAMER PRODUCT_NAMER PRODUCT_VERSIONR PRODUCT_KEYR Uninst.isu% TEXTware\BOOKcase40 UNINST_KEYR ERROR_UNINSTSETUPR TEXTware\BOOKcase40G UNINST_DISPLAY_NAMER Selected installation type is: b_ CopySomeFiles completed TEXTware\BOOKcase40\Anno TEXTware\BOOKcase40\Inte File(s) failed to self-register: TEXTWARE.INI% TEXTware\BOOKcase40\bc40.ini% FilePathsa BC40b ComponentMoveData completed/ ERROR_MOVEDATAR ERROR_COMPONENTR ERROR_FILEGROUPR ERROR_FILER UNINST_KEYR TEXTware\BOOKcase40 PRODUCT_KEYR _regtlb.dll$ UseDLL: b _regtlb.dll Error loading _REGTLB.DLLA stdole2.tlb$ TLBFILE: b stdole2.tlb \Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao2535.tlb$ TLBFILE: b \Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao2535.tlb _regtlb.dll$ UnUseDLL: b _regtlb.dll riched32.dlla ERROR_COPYFILER riched32.dll* TSETUP.INI$ ShortcutNameb TSETUP.INI$ ShortcutFileb ShorcutFileb not defined in [$ TSETUP.INI$ ShortcutWorkingDirb TSETUP.INI$ ShortcutIconb TSETUP.INI$ ShortcutParameterb TSETUP.INI$ OnDesktopb Startmenu folder not defined but shortcut for Startmenu is! TSETUP.INI$ ShortcutNameb SETUPa DefaultPathR DefaultPath not defined!, ERROR_VGARESOLUTIONR Velkommen til installeringsprogrammet. Dette programmet installerer %p, lkommen till installationsprogrammet f r %p., SETUPa LicenseR SETUPa LicenseTitleR SETUPa LicenseMsgR SETUPa LicenseQuestionR MST003NS( 4131725221 3968483147 LCHK.DLL LCHK.DLL) Felaktigt licensnummer eller fel inmatningsformat., Ogiltigt licensnummer, Felaktigt licensnummer eller fel inmatningsformat., Code decryption error! Enanv ndarversion, Fleranv ndarversion, Licensnummer: $ SETUPa ReadMeR SETUPa DefaultPathR DefaultPath not defined!, SETUPa FindPreviousR TEXTWARE.INI& FilePathsb< SETUPa NumberOfTypesR SETUPa SetupTypeNamesR NumberOfTypes does not match the number of SetupTypeNames! SetupTypeDescriptionb SETUPb SETUPa DefaultTypeR_ Normal OptionalSectionsR DIALOG.DLL TSETUP.INI NORWEGIANB DIALOG.DLL) TSETUP.INI& SectionR TSETUP.INI& TSETUP.INI& TSETUP.INI& ShortcutDialogR DIALOG.DLL TSETUP.INI DIALOG.DLL) Starting DialogShowSdSelectFolder% TSETUP.INI& DefaultFolderNameR DefaultFolderName defined in type b_ is: $ TSETUP.INI& ShortcutName1R No shortcuts defined but DefaultFolderName is!?! Calling SdSelectFoldern SdSelectFolder returned: b No DefaultFolderName defined in type: b_ TSETUP.INI& QuestionR TSETUP.INI& QuestionHeadlineR TSETUP.INI& WriteIfYesR TSETUP.INI& WriteIfNoR edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA szISCSDVersion2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA $ / : * ? " < > |* Severe SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! Typical, Custom, Compact szDirA ResultA SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! 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ISODBC_SETTINGUPODBCR ISODBC_SETTINGUPODBCR ISODBC_SETTINGUPODBCR ODBCCP32.CPLR Control.exe ISODBC_ERR_CONTROLPANELR ODBCCP32.DLL ISODBC_DRIVERMANAGERR _UNODBC.LOG% ODBC Removea Managera ODBCCP32.DLL ISODBC_ERR_COMPERR1R ISODBC_ERR_COMPERR2R ISODBC_ERR_COMPERR3R ISODBC_UNINSTKEYBASER UninstallString2 _UNODBC.DLLZ UninstallStringA ODBCCP32.DLL _DRIVERS.INI _DRIVERS.INI& ISODBCComponentNameR Drivers( Driver%d Translators( Translator%d Data Sources( DSN%d% _DRIVERS.INI& ISODBCDSNTypeR DSN=! _DRIVERS.INI& ISODBCUninstDSNR FALSE( _UNODBC.LOG% ODBC Removeb ODBCCP32.DLL _DRIVERS.INI& system( Software\ODBC\ODBC.INIa file( Software\ODBC\ODBC.INIa _DRIVERS.INI& ISODBCDriverDescR ISODBC_ERR_NOERRDATAR ISODBC_ERR_ERRBUFFSHORTR ISODBC_ERR_NUMBERR _DRIVERS.INI& Description _DRIVERS.INI& Data Sources( Drivers( Driver _DRIVERS.INI& Translators( Translator _DRIVERS.INI& Setup _DRIVERS.INI& _DRIVERS.INI& ISODBCDSNType ISODBCComponentName ISODBCDriverDesc ISODBCUninstDSN _DRIVERS.INI& ISODBCComponentNameR _DRIVERS.INI& _DRIVERS.INI& b _DRIVERS.INI% ( ( ( ( ( ( sqlany50\win32[ ISODBC_ERR_UNKNOWNSYMBOLR ISODBC_ERR_OSR ISODBC_ERR_COMPNAMEMISSINGR ISODBC_ERR_SECTIONREADFAILEDR ISODBC_ERR_GETTINGARGLISTR ISODBC_ERR_NOFILEDSNSR ISODBC_ERR_GETTINGARGLISTVALUER ISODBC_ERR_WINDOWHANDLER ISODBC_ERR_INSTALLERDLLR ISODBC_ERR_WRITETOLOGFILER ISODBC_ERR_UPDATEUNINSTSTRINGR ISODBC_ERR_NOTADMINISTRATORR ISODBC_ERR_INSTALLERDLLLOCKEDR ISODBC_ERR_UNKNOWNR _DRIVERS.INI& Optionsa _DRIVERS.INI& Optionsb FALSE( ISODBC_SHOWODBCDIALOGS( ISODBC_SHOWERRMSGS( _UNODBC.DLL _UNODBC.LOG _UNODBC.DLL _UNODBC.DLLZ Odbccp32.dll Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Core Odbccp32.dll Odbccp32.cpl Odbcad32.exe UsageCountR Odbccp32.dll setup_exea Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceb OLD.INIb !X#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ TSETUP.INI& SectionR All file sections are: b TSETUP.INI& FromR TSETUP.INI& NT40( !NT40( !NT40( NT40( Error reading size of the file: b Error reading size of the file: b TSETUP.INI& DEFAULT Error finding drive letter: b Error reading amount of free space on: b Space free: b Space required: $ Service Pack 3! Service Pack 3! Service Pack 4! Service Pack 4! Service Pack 5! Service Pack 5! Service Pack 6! Service Pack 6! Service Pack 7! Service Pack 7! Service Pack 8! Service Pack 8! DEFAULT TSETUP.INI& SectionR TSETUP.INI& StatusTextR TSETUP.INI& OptionR TSETUP.INI& FromR TSETUP.INI& TSETUP.INI& NT40( !NT40( !NT40( NT40( Error reading size of the file: b Error reading size of the file: b TSETUP.INI& Currently the renaming of files is unsupported! SrcFile: b Targetfile: $ Currently the renaming of files being copied is not supported! SrcFile: b Targetfile: $ TSETUP.INI& StatusTextR TSETUP.INI& OptionR TSETUP.INI& FromR TSETUP.INI& TSETUP.INI& NT40( !NT40( !NT40( NT40( Error reading size of the file: b Error reading size of the file: b TSETUP.INI& Currently the renaming of files is unsupported! SrcFile: b Targetfile: $ Currently the renaming of files being copied is not supported! SrcFile: b Targetfile: $ TEXTWARE.INI& FilePathsb MUSTBEEMPTY( DEFAULT TSETUP.INI& SectionR Unable to create the key: b with the class: $ TEXTa DIRECTX_REQUIREDRG DIRECTX_REQUIREDRG DirectX 3.0 or better is required. Do you wish to install the included DirectX 5.2? TEXTa NT_SP3_REQUIREDRH NT_SP3_REQUIREDRH Service Pack 3 or later is required. The latest Service Packs can be downloaded from Microsofts homepage. TEXTa XERROR_CREATEDIRRI XERROR_CREATEDIRRI Error copying the file XX to YY. Unable to create target directory TEXTa XERROR_OPENINPUTRJ XERROR_OPENINPUTRJ Error copying the file XX to YY. Unable to open source file TEXTa XERROR_TARGETREADONLYRK XERROR_TARGETREADONLYRK Error copying the file XX to YY. Target file marked read only TEXTa XERROR_COPYFILERL XERROR_COPYFILERL Error copying the file XX to YY. Error copying the file: TEXTa XERROR_MEMORYRM XERROR_MEMORYRM Error copying the file XX to YY. Not enough memory available. Please make sure all other programs are closed TEXTa XERROR_SELFREGISTERRN XERROR_SELFREGISTERRN Error copying the file XX to YY. Self-registering did not register successfully TEXTa XERROR_NODISKSPACERO XERROR_NODISKSPACERO Error copying the file XX to YY. Not enough disk space. Please free some disk space on target drive TEXTa XERROR_OPENOUTPUTRP XERROR_OPENOUTPUTRP Error copying the file XX to YY. Unable to copy file due to problems creating the target file TEXTa ERROR_FINDINGDRIVELETTERRQ ERROR_FINDINGDRIVELETTERRQ ERROR_FINDINGDRIVELETTER TEXTa ERROR_READINGFREESPACERR ERROR_READINGFREESPACERR ERROR_READINGFREESPACE TEXTa ERROR_INSUFFICIENTDISKSPACERS ERROR_INSUFFICIENTDISKSPACERS Not enough disk space. Please free some disk space on target drive TEXTa ERROR_DISPLAYINGSELECTDIRRT ERROR_DISPLAYINGSELECTDIRRT ERROR_DISPLAYINGSELECTDIR TEXTa RESTART_BEFORE_IE_SETUPRV RESTART_BEFORE_IE_SETUPRV RESTART_BEFORE_IE_SETUP TEXTa INSTALL_SHOCKWAVERW INSTALL_SHOCKWAVERW INSTALL_SHOCKWAVE BOOKcase 4.0a BOOKcase 4.0a SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b UninstallString2 UninstallString:b Resulting path:b TSETUP searched at: b$ DANISH 0006, ENGLISH 0009, FRENCH 040c, GERMAN 0007, NORWEGIAN 0014, SWEDISH 001d, FINNISH OOOb, UNSUPPORTED LanguageID is: b Language found is: b> SETUPa ExtraRF SETUPa AppNameR< TSETUP.INI$ AppName not specified in b SETUPa AppTitleR@ TEXTWARE.INIa FilePathsb< SETUPa PublisherShelfR4 Not enough memory to begin the installation FilePathsa R UNSUPPORTED( TSETUP.INI$ TSETUP.INI& Unable to read the key: b in the section: $ TSETUP.INI& Unable to read the key: b in the section: $ TEXTWARE.INIa FilePathsb4 SHELFR5 TEXTWARE.INIa FilePathsa OPENShelfR8 \SHLF00TW.INI SHELFR7 TEXTWARE.INIa FilePathsa BC31CASER: \BC31CASE.INI CASER9 TEXTWARE.INIa FilePathsb< BOOKR2 enduser.exe enduser.exe DDRAW.DLLR DDRAW.DLL version: b Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorera Version2 IE version (If any):b 4.72.2106.8( IE to old or not installed!b INSTALL_IER SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOncea IE-INSTA RegDBSetKeyValueEx used!o RUNDLL32.EXE setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 % NidaSys\nidarosSvensk.inf$ RUNDLL32.EXE% NidaSys\nidarosSvensk.inf$ setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 b RUNDLL.EXE setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 % NidaSys\nidarosSvensk.inf$ RUNDLL.EXE% NidaSys\nidarosSvensk.inf$ setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 b InstallShield_Winb@ InstallShield_Wina Setup, CabinetWClassa QuickTime! QuickTimes CabinetWClassb SETUPa SecondSrcPathNeededR SETUPa SecondSrcPathQuestionHeadlineR SETUPa SecondSrcPathQuestionTextR SETUPa SecondSrcPathDefaultPathR- SETUPa SecondSrcPathWantedFileR SETUPa SecondSrcPathWrongCDR SETUPa SecondSrcPathUnwantedFileR SETUPa SecondSrcPathRightCDWrongVersionR UNDEFINED AppINI( AppName( BC31CASEINI( BC31CASEPath( BookINI( BookPath( CommonFiles( DstPath( DstPath2( DstPath3( Extra( FirstCDDrivePath( FirstNetworkDrivePath( Folder_Programs( Folder_Startup( Folder_Startmenu( LDstPathNoBSatEnd( LongDstPath( Nummertegn( Komma( OpenShelfINI( OpenShelfPath( ProgramFiles( PublisherINI( PublisherPath( PublisherShelf( SecondDstPath( SecondSrcPath( ShortSecondSrcPath( SpecialDialogValue( SrcPath( SupportDir( SysPath( SysPath32( ThirdSrcPath( UserInfo( WinPath( Unknown substitution: #b Error in substitution: b No data between markers Missing # in b Not NT40orLater, NT40orLater DEBUG( Windows 95A Windows 98A Windows NT 3.51A Windows NT 4.0A Windows 2000A Windows MEA Windows 3.11A Unknown OSA wait.bmp;0,0,06 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceb RunOnce: b Unable to set the value of the key: b b0 b2 b5 b7 b9 b b DEBUG( DEBUG Message: b Message: b TSETUP.INI& SpecialDialogTitleR TSETUP.INI& SpecialDialogMsgR TSETUP.INI& SpecialDialogMsg2R TSETUP.INI& SpecialDialogFieldDescriptionR TSETUP.INI& SpecialDialogDefaultValueRE IBA1R ILLBASE.DLL Calling AddFile2 with target: b and inserting file: $ Installation failure: Error updating the data file b with: $ ILLBASE.DLL DEFAULT TSETUP.INI& TSETUP.INI& TSETUP.INI& OptionR TSETUP.INI& FileR BC40.INI( TEXTWARE.INI( TSETUP.INI& NT40( !NT40( !NT40( NT40( TSETUP.INI& Not enough space to install DirectX 5. Please free up some disk space DirectX is not supported on this version of Windows, A required source file could not be found, A required source file may be corrupted, A required source file may be corrupted, A required source file may be corrupted, Not enough disk space to install DirectX, A required setup file could not be found, A required setup directory could not be found, A required setup DLL could not be found, The version of Windows NT on this system does not a+ have all the DirectX 3 components installed, The operating system on your system is not currently supported, Cancel was pressed before installation completed DSETUP.DLL DSETUP.DLL Explorer.exe( Progman.exe( 5.00.000