
Time Stamps:

Files' time stamps my not be calculated  properly if the "Time Zone"  is not adjusted in the Control Panel for all Computers

Speed Considerations:

1st time Scanning  and Synchronization is always the slowest , afterwards synchronization will be faster 

Scanning speed depends on the total number of files being scanned not the sizes

Scanning speed depends on the total updated  number of Files

disabling the "Show Icons"  button increases the Scanning speed 

as an example scanning about 1000 File  on the same machine may take about 10 seconds

as an example scanning about 1000 File  on  two machines over network with a speed of 10 MBPS  may take about 15 seconds

Synchronization  speed depends on the total number of files being scanned and  their sizes, it also depends on network speed 


on starting the program opens the last profile used unless other specified

The program can not copy the opened files so we have to close all files before synchronization