Installation of TAdvColumnGrid 2.02 ----------------------------------- Files : ACGRDD4 : files for Delphi 4 ACGRDD5 : files for Delphi 5 ACGRDD6 : files for Delphi 6 ACGRDC4 : files for C++Builder 4 ACGRDC5 : files for C++Builder 5 Installing using the package file : - Unzip appropriate file into a component directory Open the .DPK (Delphi) or .BPK (C++Builder) package file. Choose Compile and then Install TAdvColumnGrid will be created in the "TMS Grids" group of the component palette. Installing into a new package : -Delphi 4,5,6 & C++Builder 4,5 In the component menu, choose Install Component, Into new package. Choose a package name and browse for ASGCREG.PAS. TAdvColumnGrid will be created in the "TMS Grids" group of the component palette.