Kambiz R. Khojasteh. All rights reserved.
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Delphi 3 | Delphi 4 | Delphi 5 | Delphi 6 |
TSysImageList is a read-only descendent of TImageList containing the icons that Microsoft® Windows uses them internally. By using this component you can easily find the associated icon for any file, folder, special folder, or even URL.
NOTE: do not change any inherited property of the component except those are listed below. Especially by changing inherited SharedImage property to false, you will lose all the system icons in the current session of the Microsoft® Windows.
dsFocus | Draws the image blending 25% with the color specified by the BlendColor property. This only affects image lists that contain masks. | |
dsSelected | Draws the image blending 50% with the color specified by the BlendColor property. This only affects image lists that contain masks. | |
dsNormal | Draws the image using the color specified in the BkColor property. If the BkColor is clNone, the image is drawn transparently using the mask. | |
dsTransparent | Draws using the mask regardless of the BkColor setting. |
isSmallIcons | Fills the image list by using system small icons (16x16 pixels). | |
isLargeIcons | Fills the image list by using system large icons (32x32 pixels). |
:= SysImageList.ImageIndexOf('c:\autoexec.bat', False); Index := SysImageList.ImageIndexOf('c:\Windows', True); Index := SysImageList.ImageIndexOf('*.pas', False); Index := SysImageList.ImageIndexOf('gopher:', False); Index := SysImageList.ImageIndexOf('http://www.borland.com', False); Index := SysImageList.ImageIndexOf('My Documents', False); |
TSysImageList component is freeware. You may copy component's files AS LONG AS YOU COPY ALL OF THEM. If you want to change the source code in order to improve the component's features, performance, etc. please send me the new source code so that I can have a look at it. The changed source code should contain descriptions what you have changed, and of course your name. The only thing you MAY NOT CHANGE is the ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT INFORMATION.
TSysImageList is provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software is with you. The author is NOT liable for any DAMAGES resulting from the use and misuse of the component, especially he is NOT liable for DAMAGES that were caused BY ANY VERSION WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PROGRAMMED BY THE AUTHOR HIMSELF.