object FolderViewForm: TFolderViewForm Left = 61 Top = 136 AutoScroll = False ClientHeight = 354 ClientWidth = 592 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] KeyPreview = True Menu = ViewMenu OnActivate = FormActivate OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object MsgCtl: TMessageController Left = 153 Top = 272 Width = 47 Height = 56 MsgView = MLV InfoOptions = [mhoFrom, mhoReply, mhoTO, mhoCC, mhoBCC, mhoSubj] InfoGrid = gAddr ImagePanel = ImagePanel NoteBook = BodyNotebook AttachList = fList AttachImages = AttachImages HeaderPanel = pnHeader LbSize = hdrSize eMsg = eMsg Tabs = ViewTabs ViewPanel = MsgPanel AttachVertical = True AttachSplit = AttSplit AttachPanel = AttPanel end object dTools: TDock97 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 592 Height = 32 object tbTools: TToolbar97 Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Toolbar' DefaultDock = dTools DockedTo = dTools DockPos = 0 FullSize = True TabOrder = 0 object bReply: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 9 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Reply' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mvReplyClick end object bReplyAll: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 2 Left = 30 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Reply to All' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mvReplyClick end object bForward: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 11 Left = 60 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Forward' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mvReplyClick end object ToolbarSep971: TToolbarSep97 Left = 120 Top = 0 end object bSaveAs: TToolbarButton97 Left = 126 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Save as...' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mvSaveAsClick end object bvPrint: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 1 Left = 156 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Print' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mvPrintClick end object ToolbarSep972: TToolbarSep97 Left = 186 Top = 0 end object bVCopy: TToolbarButton97 Left = 192 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Copy' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = meCopyClick end object bVCopyTo: TToolbarButton97 Left = 222 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Copy to...' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = meCopyToClick end object bVSearch: TToolbarButton97 Left = 252 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Search' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = xbVSearchClick end object ToolbarSep973: TToolbarSep97 Left = 282 Top = 0 end object bPrev: TToolbarButton97 Left = 288 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Previous' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mnPrevClick end object bNext: TToolbarButton97 Left = 318 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Next' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mnNextClick end object ToolbarSep974: TToolbarSep97 Left = 348 Top = 0 end object bDelUp: TToolbarButton97 Tag = -1 Left = 354 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Delete message(s) and move up' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mnDelPrevClick end object bDelete: TToolbarButton97 Left = 384 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Delete message(s)' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mvDeleteClick end object bDelDown: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 1 Left = 414 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Delete message(s) and move down' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = xbDelDownClick end object bRedirect: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 4 Left = 90 Top = 0 Width = 30 Height = 28 Hint = 'Redirect' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mvReplyClick end end end object dockLeft: TDock97 Left = 0 Top = 32 Width = 9 Height = 313 Position = dpLeft end object dockRight: TDock97 Left = 583 Top = 32 Width = 9 Height = 313 Position = dpRight end object dockBottom: TDock97 Left = 0 Top = 345 Width = 592 Height = 9 Position = dpBottom end object pnWindow: TPanel Left = 9 Top = 32 Width = 574 Height = 313 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object Split1: TSplitter Left = 0 Top = 161 Width = 574 Height = 4 Cursor = crVSplit Align = alTop Beveled = False end object pnMLV: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 574 Height = 161 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object MLV: TMessageListView Left = 0 Top = 17 Width = 574 Height = 144 HelpContext = 11013 Align = alClient ColCount = 10 DefaultRowHeight = 16 DefaultDrawing = False FixedCols = 0 RowCount = 1 FixedRows = 0 Options = [goThumbTracking] PopupMenu = MessagePopup TabOrder = 0 OnClick = MLVClick OnDblClick = MLVDblClick OnKeyDown = MLVKeyDown Sorting = 0 Threading = mlvtNone Header = hMLV OnColumnsChange = MLVColumnsChange OnListChange = MLVListChange end object hMLV: THeaderControl Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 574 Height = 17 Hint = 'nograb' Sections = <> OnMouseDown = hMLVMouseDown end end object MsgPanel: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 165 Width = 574 Height = 148 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 object AttSplit: TSplitter Left = 78 Top = 0 Width = 4 Height = 148 Cursor = crHSplit Beveled = False end object AttPanel: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 78 Height = 148 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 object fList: TListView Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 78 Height = 148 HelpContext = 10041 Align = alClient OnDblClick = fListDblClick Columns = <> ReadOnly = False PopupMenu = AttachPopup TabOrder = 0 LargeImages = AttachImages end end object BodyPanel: TPanel Left = 82 Top = 0 Width = 492 Height = 148 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object pnMsg: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 492 Height = 148 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object ViewTabs: TTabSet Left = 0 Top = 127 Width = 492 Height = 21 HelpContext = 11015 Align = alBottom Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Visible = False OnChange = ViewTabsChange end object BodyNotebook: TNotebook Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 492 Height = 127 Align = alClient TabOrder = 1 object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Default' object pnHeader: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 492 Height = 48 HelpContext = 10044 Align = alTop BorderWidth = 1 BorderStyle = bsSingle TabOrder = 1 Visible = False OnResize = pnHeaderResize object hdrSize: TMemo Left = 426 Top = 2 Width = 60 Height = 40 TabStop = False Align = alRight Alignment = taRightJustify BorderStyle = bsNone Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentColor = True ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 0 WordWrap = False end object gAddr: TAddressGrid Left = 2 Top = 2 Width = 424 Height = 40 TabStop = False Align = alClient BorderStyle = bsNone Color = clBtnFace ColCount = 2 DefaultRowHeight = 13 RowCount = 7 FixedRows = 0 Options = [goEditing, goAlwaysShowEditor] ScrollBars = ssNone TabOrder = 1 SimpleLook = True ColWidths = ( 75 349) end end object eMsg: TTextEditor Left = 0 Top = 48 Width = 492 Height = 79 HelpContext = 10027 BgColor = clWhite TextColor = clBlack SelColor = clWhite SelBgColor = clBlack QuoteColor = clBlue RefColor = clBlue Kludge1Color = clOlive Kludge2Color = clOlive Kludge3Color = clOlive ReadOnly = True FontCharset = 1 TabOrder = 0 Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -15 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Pitch = fpFixed Font.Style = [] Align = alClient OnMouseMove = eMsgMouseMove PopupMenu = ViewPopup OnDblClick = eMsgDblClick end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Image' object ImagePanel: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 492 Height = 127 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 end end end end end end end object AttachImages: TImageList Height = 32 Width = 32 Left = 232 Top = 272 end object AttachPopup: TPopupMenu OnPopup = AttachPopupPopup Left = 296 Top = 272 object maView: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Open...' Default = True ShortCut = 16397 OnClick = maSaveClick end object maSave: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save...' ShortCut = 13 OnClick = maSaveClick end object maDelete: TMenuItem Tag = 3 Caption = '&Delete' ShortCut = 46 OnClick = maSaveClick end object maPrint: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Print...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = maSaveClick end object maImportKey: TMenuItem Tag = 4 Caption = '&Import Key or Certificate' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = maSaveClick end object N11: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object maSaveAllAttachments: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save &All Attachments...' ShortCut = 24641 OnClick = mAttSaveAllAttachmentsClick end object maForward: TMenuItem Caption = '&Forward...' ShortCut = 16454 Visible = False end object Popup1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Popup' ShortCut = 32889 Visible = False OnClick = Popup1Click end end object MessagePopup: TPopupMenu OnPopup = MessagePopupPopup Left = 336 Top = 272 object mmNextUR: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Move to &Next Unread' ShortCut = 16605 Visible = False OnClick = mNextURClick end object mmPrevUR: TMenuItem Tag = -1 Caption = 'Move to Pre&vious Unread' ShortCut = 16603 Visible = False OnClick = mNextURClick end object Movetonextunread2: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Move to next unread' ShortCut = 49191 OnClick = mNextURClick end object Movetopreviousunread2: TMenuItem Tag = -1 Caption = 'Move to previous unread' ShortCut = 49189 OnClick = mNextURClick end object Movetonextunread4: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Move to next unread' ShortCut = 16423 Visible = False OnClick = mNextURClick end object Movetopreviousunread4: TMenuItem Tag = -1 Caption = 'Move to previous unread' ShortCut = 16421 Visible = False OnClick = mNextURClick end object N21: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mpNew: TMenuItem Caption = 'Create a Ne&w Message...' Default = True ShortCut = 16462 OnClick = mpNewClick end object mOpenMessage: TMenuItem Caption = '&Open ' ShortCut = 13 OnClick = mOpenMessageClick end object mpReply: TMenuItem Caption = '&Reply...' ShortCut = 16466 Visible = False OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mReplyMessage: TMenuItem Caption = '&Reply...' ShortCut = 16397 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mFwdMessage: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Forward...' ShortCut = 8205 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mmRedirect: TMenuItem Tag = 4 Caption = 'R&edirect' ShortCut = 16453 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mmThread: TMenuItem Caption = '&Thread' ShortCut = 0 object mmtCopy: TMenuItem Caption = '&Copy' ShortCut = 16468 OnClick = mmtCopyClick end object mmtMove: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Move' ShortCut = 24662 OnClick = mmtCopyClick end object mmtDelete: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Delete' ShortCut = 24622 OnClick = mmtCopyClick end object N22: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mmtMarkRead: TMenuItem Tag = 3 Caption = 'Mark as &Read' ShortCut = 24653 OnClick = mmtCopyClick end object mmtMarkUnread: TMenuItem Tag = 4 Caption = 'Mark as &Unread' ShortCut = 24661 OnClick = mmtCopyClick end object mmtPark: TMenuItem Tag = 5 Caption = '&Park' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmtCopyClick end object mmtUnpark: TMenuItem Tag = 6 Caption = 'Unp&ark' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmtCopyClick end end object N17: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mvCopy: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Copy to Folder...' ShortCut = 16451 OnClick = mvCopyClick end object mvMove: TMenuItem Caption = '&Move to Folder...' ShortCut = 16470 OnClick = mvCopyClick end object mSaveMessage: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save as...' ShortCut = 16467 OnClick = mSaveMessageClick end object mDelMessage: TMenuItem Caption = '&Delete' ShortCut = 46 OnClick = mvDeleteClick end object mpSpecials: TMenuItem Caption = 'Specials' ShortCut = 0 object mmAddAddress: TMenuItem Caption = '&Add sender to Address Book' ShortCut = 16471 OnClick = msAddAddrClick end object mmAddRecipient: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Add &recipient to Address Book' ShortCut = 24663 OnClick = msAddAddrClick end object mmDeleteAddress: TMenuItem Caption = '&Delete from Address Book' ShortCut = 16450 OnClick = msDelAddrClick end object mmDelRecipient: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'D&elete recipient from Address Book' ShortCut = 24642 OnClick = msDelAddrClick end object mmMakeFilter: TMenuItem Caption = '&Create Filter...' ShortCut = 24646 OnClick = msCreateFilterClick end object mmFindReply: TMenuItem Caption = '&Open Reply' ShortCut = 16392 OnClick = msOpenReplyClick end object mpPGPDecrypt: TMenuItem Caption = 'P&GP Decrypt' ShortCut = 24644 OnClick = mpPGPDecryptClick end object N29: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mmPark: TMenuItem Caption = '&Park' ShortCut = 16458 OnClick = msParkClick end object mmUnpark: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Unpark' ShortCut = 16452 OnClick = msParkClick end object N32: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object ReplyQuotingselectedtext1: TMenuItem Tag = 7 Caption = 'Reply &Quoting selected text' ShortCut = 115 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object Replywithoutquotation1: TMenuItem Tag = 5 Caption = 'Reply &without quotation' ShortCut = 8307 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object ReplytotheSender1: TMenuItem Tag = 6 Caption = 'Reply to the &Sender' ShortCut = 16499 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object AlternativeForward1: TMenuItem Tag = 10 Caption = 'Alternative &Forward' ShortCut = 41076 OnClick = mvReplyClick end end object N5: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mmMarkunread: TMenuItem Caption = 'Mark as &Unread' ShortCut = 16469 OnClick = mvUnreadClick end object mmMarkRead: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Mark &as Read' ShortCut = 16461 OnClick = mvUnreadClick end object mmFlags: TMenuItem Caption = 'F&lags' ShortCut = 0 Visible = False object mmf_Flagged: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Flagged' ShortCut = 16455 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object mmf_Replied: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Replied' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object mmf_Forwarded: TMenuItem Tag = 3 Caption = 'F&orwarded/Redirected' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object N27: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object mmf_NormalPty: TMenuItem Tag = 5 Caption = '&Normal priority' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object mmf_HighPty: TMenuItem Tag = 7 Caption = '&High priority' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object mmf_LowPty: TMenuItem Tag = 6 Caption = '&Low priority' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end end object mmColors: TMenuItem Caption = 'Colour &Group' ShortCut = 0 end object mlMovedown: TMenuItem Caption = 'Move Down' ShortCut = 32 Visible = False OnClick = mlMovedownClick end object Popup3: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = 'Popup' ShortCut = 32889 Visible = False OnClick = Popup1Click end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mlSelectAll: TMenuItem Caption = 'Selec&t All' ShortCut = 16449 OnClick = mlSelectAllClick end object mpFind: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find...' ShortCut = 16454 OnClick = mfFindClick end object mpFindNext: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find Next' ShortCut = 114 Visible = False OnClick = mfFindNextClick end object mpFindNext2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find Next' ShortCut = 16460 OnClick = mfFindNextClick end end object ViewMenu: TMainMenu Left = 264 Top = 272 object mMessage: TMenuItem Caption = '&Message' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mMessageClick object mvNew: TMenuItem Caption = '&New' ShortCut = 16462 OnClick = mpNewClick end object mvReply: TMenuItem Caption = 'Repl&y...' ShortCut = 16500 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object Reply1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Reply...' ShortCut = 16466 Visible = False OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mvReplyAll: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = 'Reply to &All' ShortCut = 24692 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mvForward: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'For&ward...' ShortCut = 8308 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mvResend: TMenuItem Caption = 'R&e-send' ShortCut = 24612 OnClick = mvResendClick end object Resend1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Re-s&end' ShortCut = 8309 Visible = False OnClick = mvResendClick end object mvRedirect: TMenuItem Tag = 4 Caption = 'Redire&ct' ShortCut = 16501 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object N28: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mvDelete: TMenuItem Caption = '&Delete' ShortCut = 46 OnClick = mvDeleteClick end object mCopytoFolder: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Copy to Folder...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mCopytoFolderClick end object mMovetoFolder: TMenuItem Caption = '&Move to Folder...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mCopytoFolderClick end object mvSaveAs: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save as...' ShortCut = 32884 OnClick = mvSaveAsClick end object mvPrint: TMenuItem Caption = '&Print...' ShortCut = 16464 OnClick = mvPrintClick end object mViewSource: TMenuItem Caption = '&View source' ShortCut = 120 OnClick = mViewSourceClick end object mAttachments: TMenuItem Caption = 'Attachments' ShortCut = 0 object mAttOpen: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Open...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = maSaveClick end object mAttSave: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = maSaveClick end object mAttDelete: TMenuItem Tag = 3 Caption = '&Delete' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = maSaveClick end object mAttPrint: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Print...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = maSaveClick end object mAttImportKey: TMenuItem Tag = 4 Caption = '&Import Key' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = maSaveClick end object N31: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mAttSaveAllAttachments: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save &All Attachments...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mAttSaveAllAttachmentsClick end end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mvUnread: TMenuItem Caption = 'Mark as &Unread' ShortCut = 16469 OnClick = mvUnreadClick end object mvRead: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Mark as &Read' ShortCut = 16461 OnClick = mvUnreadClick end object mFlags: TMenuItem Caption = '&Flags' ShortCut = 0 object mf_Flagged: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Flagged' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object mf_Replied: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Replied' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object mf_Forwarded: TMenuItem Tag = 3 Caption = 'F&orwarded/Redirected' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object N13: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object mf_NormalPty: TMenuItem Tag = 5 Caption = '&Normal priority' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object mf_HighPty: TMenuItem Tag = 7 Caption = '&High priority' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end object mf_LowPty: TMenuItem Tag = 6 Caption = '&Low priority' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mf_FlaggedClick end end object mColors: TMenuItem Caption = 'Colour &Group' ShortCut = 0 end object N9: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mvExit: TMenuItem Caption = 'E&xit' ShortCut = 27 OnClick = mvExitClick end end object mEdit: TMenuItem Caption = '&Edit' ShortCut = 0 object meCopy: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Copy' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = meCopyClick end object meCopyTo: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Copy &to...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = meCopyToClick end object N15: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mfFind: TMenuItem Caption = '&Find...' ShortCut = 16454 OnClick = mfFindClick end object mf_FindNext: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find Next' ShortCut = 114 Visible = False OnClick = mfFindNextClick end object mfFindNext: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find &Next' ShortCut = 16460 OnClick = mfFindNextClick end end object mSpecials: TMenuItem Caption = '&Specials' ShortCut = 0 object msAddAddr: TMenuItem Caption = '&Add Sender to Address Book' ShortCut = 16471 OnClick = msAddAddrClick end object msAddrecipient: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Add &Recipient to Address Book' ShortCut = 24663 OnClick = msAddAddrClick end object msDelAddr: TMenuItem Caption = '&Delete from Address Book' ShortCut = 16450 OnClick = msDelAddrClick end object msDeleteRecipient: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'D&elete recipient from Address Book' ShortCut = 24642 OnClick = msDelAddrClick end object msCreateFilter: TMenuItem Caption = '&Create filter...' ShortCut = 24646 OnClick = msCreateFilterClick end object msOpenReply: TMenuItem Caption = '&Open reply' ShortCut = 16392 OnClick = msOpenReplyClick end object N23: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mvReplySelected: TMenuItem Tag = 7 Caption = 'Reply &Quoting selected text' ShortCut = 115 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mvReplyNoQuotes: TMenuItem Tag = 5 Caption = 'Reply &without quotation' ShortCut = 8307 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mvReplySender: TMenuItem Tag = 6 Caption = 'Reply to the &Sender' ShortCut = 16499 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mAltForward: TMenuItem Tag = 10 Caption = 'Alternative &Forward' ShortCut = 41076 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object msCheckPGP: TMenuItem Caption = 'Check OpenPGP &Signature' ShortCut = 24643 OnClick = msCheckPGPClick end object mmPGPDecrypt: TMenuItem Caption = 'OpenPGP Decr&ypt' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mpPGPDecryptClick end object msImportPGP: TMenuItem Caption = '&Import Key or Certificate' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = msImportPGPClick end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object msPark: TMenuItem Caption = '&Park' ShortCut = 16458 OnClick = msParkClick end object msUnpark: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Unpark' ShortCut = 16452 OnClick = msParkClick end end object mNavigation: TMenuItem Caption = '&Navigation' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mNavigationClick object mnPrev: TMenuItem Caption = '&Follow previous' ShortCut = 16422 OnClick = mnPrevClick end object mnNext: TMenuItem Caption = 'Follo&w next' ShortCut = 16424 OnClick = mnNextClick end object Movetonextunread1: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Move to next unread' ShortCut = 49191 OnClick = mNextURClick end object Movetopreviousunread1: TMenuItem Tag = -1 Caption = 'Move to previous unread' ShortCut = 49189 OnClick = mNextURClick end object mnGoPrevRead: TMenuItem Tag = -1 Caption = 'Move to Previously viewed' ShortCut = 32805 OnClick = mnGoPrevReadClick end object mnGoNextRead: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Move to Next viewed' ShortCut = 32807 OnClick = mnGoPrevReadClick end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mnDelNext: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Delete and follow &next' ShortCut = 24614 OnClick = mvDeleteClick end object mnDelPrev: TMenuItem Tag = -1 Caption = 'Delete and follow pr&evious' ShortCut = 24616 OnClick = mnDelPrevClick end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mChangeFolder: TMenuItem Caption = '&Go to a folder...' ShortCut = 24647 OnClick = mChangeFolderClick end end object mView: TMenuItem Caption = '&View' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mViewClick object mvShowToolbar: TMenuItem Tag = 9 Caption = '&Toolbar' Checked = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mvShowToolbarClick end object mvShowMsgList: TMenuItem Tag = 8 Caption = '&Message List' Checked = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mvShowMsgListClick end object N12: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mmfDisplay: TMenuItem Caption = '&Display' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmfDisplayClick object mmfAll: TMenuItem Caption = '&All messages' GroupIndex = 8 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 16571 OnClick = mmfAllClick end object mmfUnread: TMenuItem Caption = 'Only &Unread messages' GroupIndex = 20 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmfUnreadClick end object mmfRead: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Only &Read messages' GroupIndex = 20 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmfUnreadClick end object mmfFlagged: TMenuItem Tag = 6 Caption = 'Only &Flagged messages' GroupIndex = 20 ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmfUnreadClick end object mmfUnflagged: TMenuItem Tag = 7 Caption = 'Only Non-f&lagged messages' GroupIndex = 20 ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmfUnreadClick end object mmfParked: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = 'Only &Parked messages' GroupIndex = 21 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmfUnreadClick end object mmfUnparked: TMenuItem Tag = 3 Caption = 'Only U&nparked messages' GroupIndex = 21 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmfUnreadClick end object mmfAttach: TMenuItem Tag = 4 Caption = 'Only messages with &Attachments' GroupIndex = 22 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmfUnreadClick end object mmfNoAttach: TMenuItem Tag = 5 Caption = 'Only messages &without Attachments' GroupIndex = 22 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmfUnreadClick end object N19: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 22 ShortCut = 0 end object mmfAdvanced: TMenuItem Caption = 'Ad&vanced filtering...' GroupIndex = 23 ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmfAdvancedClick end end object mmsSort: TMenuItem Caption = '&Sort by' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmsSortClick object mmsReceived: TMenuItem Tag = 6 Caption = '&Received time' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 16433 OnClick = mmsReceivedClick end object mmsCreation: TMenuItem Tag = 5 Caption = '&Creation time' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 16434 OnClick = mmsReceivedClick end object mmsSize: TMenuItem Tag = 9 Caption = 'Si&ze' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 16435 OnClick = mmsReceivedClick end object mmsSender: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&From' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 16436 OnClick = mmsReceivedClick end object mmsRecipient: TMenuItem Tag = 3 Caption = '&To' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 16437 OnClick = mmsReceivedClick end object mmsSubject: TMenuItem Tag = 4 Caption = '&Subject' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 16438 OnClick = mmsReceivedClick end object mmsFlags: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Message Flags' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 16439 OnClick = mmsReceivedClick end object mmsAttachment: TMenuItem Tag = 8 Caption = '&Attachment presence' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 16440 OnClick = mmsReceivedClick end object mmsParking: TMenuItem Tag = 9 Caption = '&Parking/Draft flag' GroupIndex = 10 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 16441 OnClick = mmsReceivedClick end object N16: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 11 ShortCut = 0 end object mmsDescending: TMenuItem Caption = '&Descending order' GroupIndex = 11 ShortCut = 16432 OnClick = mmsDescendingClick end end object mmtThread: TMenuItem Caption = '&View threads by' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmtThreadClick object mmtNone: TMenuItem Caption = '&None' GroupIndex = 12 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 32816 OnClick = mmtNoneClick end object N18: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 12 ShortCut = 0 end object mmtStandard: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&References (standard)' GroupIndex = 12 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 32817 OnClick = mmtNoneClick end object mmtSubject: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Subject' GroupIndex = 12 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 32818 OnClick = mmtNoneClick end object mmtFrom: TMenuItem Tag = 3 Caption = '&From' GroupIndex = 12 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 32819 OnClick = mmtNoneClick end object mmtTo: TMenuItem Tag = 4 Caption = '&To' GroupIndex = 12 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 32820 OnClick = mmtNoneClick end end object mmColumns: TMenuItem Caption = '&Columns...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mmColumnsClick end object N10: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mvAttach: TMenuItem Caption = '&Attachments' ShortCut = 0 object mvShowAuto: TMenuItem Caption = 'Show &Automatically' GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mvShowAutoClick end object mvShowAlways: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Show always' GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mvShowAutoClick end object mvHideAttach: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Hide' GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mvShowAutoClick end end object mmHeaderMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Message &Header' GroupIndex = 11 ShortCut = 0 object mvHeader: TMenuItem Caption = '&Show' ShortCut = 24648 OnClick = mvHeaderClick end object N30: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mhfFrom: TMenuItem Caption = '&From' Checked = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end object mhfReplyTo: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Reply-To' Checked = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end object mhfSender: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&X-Sender' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end object mhfTO: TMenuItem Tag = 3 Caption = '&TO' Checked = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end object mhfCC: TMenuItem Tag = 4 Caption = '&CC' Checked = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end object mhfBCC: TMenuItem Tag = 5 Caption = '&BCC' Checked = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end object mhfMailer: TMenuItem Tag = 7 Caption = '&Mailer' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end object mhfCreated: TMenuItem Tag = 8 Caption = 'Cr&eation time' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end object mhfReceived: TMenuItem Tag = 9 Caption = 'Recei&ved Time' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end object mhfComments: TMenuItem Tag = 10 Caption = 'C&omments' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end object mhfMessageID: TMenuItem Tag = 11 Caption = 'Message &ID' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mhfFromClick end end object mvKludges: TMenuItem Caption = 'RFC-&822 headers' GroupIndex = 11 ShortCut = 24651 OnClick = mvKludgesClick end object N14: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 11 ShortCut = 0 end object mmXlat: TMenuItem Caption = 'Charact&er set' GroupIndex = 11 ShortCut = 0 object mtNone: TMenuItem Caption = '&None' GroupIndex = 11 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mtNoneClick end object N20: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 11 ShortCut = 0 end object N8: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 12 ShortCut = 0 end object mAutodetect: TMenuItem Caption = '&Auto-detect' GroupIndex = 12 ShortCut = 32821 OnClick = mAutodetectClick end object mSetAsDefault: TMenuItem Caption = '&Set as default' GroupIndex = 12 ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mSetAsDefaultClick end end end end object ViewPopup: TPopupMenu OnPopup = ViewPopupPopup Left = 368 Top = 272 object Movetonextunread3: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Move to next unread' ShortCut = 49191 OnClick = mNextURClick end object Movetopreviousunread3: TMenuItem Tag = -1 Caption = 'Move to previous unread' ShortCut = 49189 OnClick = mNextURClick end object meNewMail: TMenuItem Tag = 11 Caption = '&Write message to address...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mpNewClick end object meReplyLink: TMenuItem Caption = 'R&eply to address...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = meReplyLinkClick end object meAddAddress: TMenuItem Caption = 'Add to Address &Book' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = meAddAddressClick end object meOpenLink: TMenuItem Caption = '&Open URL' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = meOpenLinkClick end object meCopyLink: TMenuItem Caption = '&Copy URL' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = meCopyLinkClick end object meDivider: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mmReply2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Reply...' ShortCut = 16397 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object MenuItem2: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = 'Re&ply to All' ShortCut = 24589 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object MenuItem3: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Forward...' ShortCut = 8308 Visible = False OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mvForward2: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Forward...' ShortCut = 8205 OnClick = mvReplyClick end object mpSaveAs: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save as...' ShortCut = 16467 OnClick = mvSaveAsClick end object MenuItem1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Delete' ShortCut = 46 Visible = False OnClick = mvDeleteClick end object N24: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mlCopy: TMenuItem Caption = '&Copy' ShortCut = 16429 OnClick = meCopyClick end object mlCopyTo: TMenuItem Caption = 'Copy &To...' ShortCut = 32813 OnClick = meCopyToClick end object ml_SelectAll: TMenuItem Caption = 'Select &All' ShortCut = 16449 OnClick = ml_SelectAllClick end object mvMoveDown: TMenuItem Caption = 'Move Down' ShortCut = 32 Visible = False OnClick = mlMovedownClick end object MenuItem4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object mlPGPDecrypt: TMenuItem Caption = '&OpenPGP Decrypt' ShortCut = 24644 Visible = False end object mlFind: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find...' ShortCut = 16454 OnClick = mfFindClick end object mFindNext: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find Next' ShortCut = 114 Visible = False OnClick = mfFindNextClick end object mlFindNext: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find Next' ShortCut = 16460 OnClick = mfFindNextClick end object meProperties: TMenuItem Caption = '&Preferences...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mePropertiesClick end object MenuItem5: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object ml_Kludges: TMenuItem Caption = 'RFC-&822 headers' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mvKludgesClick end object mpCharSet: TMenuItem Caption = 'Charact&er set' GroupIndex = 11 ShortCut = 0 object mpXLTNone: TMenuItem Caption = '&None' GroupIndex = 11 RadioItem = True ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mtNoneClick end object N26: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 11 ShortCut = 0 end object N25: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 12 ShortCut = 0 end object mpAutodetectXLT: TMenuItem Caption = '&Auto-detect' GroupIndex = 12 ShortCut = 32821 OnClick = mAutodetectClick end object mpSetDefXLT: TMenuItem Caption = '&Set as default' GroupIndex = 12 ShortCut = 0 OnClick = mSetAsDefaultClick end end object Popup2: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Popup' GroupIndex = 11 ShortCut = 32889 Visible = False OnClick = Popup1Click end end end