
What is Scanning process?


Scanning is determining  which files need updating in both Source and Target Folders



What is Updated Files?


The Updated Files are those files which is Newer in either Source or Target folders



How to make our program Scan the updated Files?


 Click on "Synchronize" and choose "Scan Updated Files" to Scan Files of All Entries in a Profile


 Right Click on an Entry and choose "Scan Files of this Entry" to Scan only the Files of this Entry


We will see this Message to the left of the status bar indicating that the Program is working on Files:


Also there is a Progress Bar to the Right Top Displaying the Progress of Scanning process


when Scanning is Finished you ‘ll see  a window like this  :



which Displays two lists 

Source Files List : displays the files in Source Directories that should be copied to Target Directories

Target Files List displays the files in Target Directories that should be copied to Source Directories

each list contains the following columns: 


the File Name


where to copy the file from


where to copy the file to


states if the fiele  is a new file or newer File (will be overwritten)

Last Modified

the date when the file was last modified

Size (KB)

File Size in Kilo Bytes


When we look at the status bar we see this :


Here you can see the number of files in Source Folders that should be copied to Target Folders (with their total Size) and also the number of files in Target Folders that should be copied to Source Folders (with their total Size)


Note :  time taken by this operation is determined according to the number of files need to be scanned and network speed  (you may increase speed by disabling “Show File Icons”)



How to disable "Show File Icons"?


 Click on "View" and "Show File Icons" to Enable and Disable Displaying an ICON for every file