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The Header File - BSD.WIH

This is the header file is a front end to my WISEINST.WIH header file.

This header is used to apply (and enforce) my organisation's standards on the built packages as well as simplifying the package generation process.

This is an extremely powerful tool which eliminates the need for using the Wise Installer wizard when creating installation packages, for more information and examples on how some packages might look have a look at "Wise Installer OLE Automation".

The header file is not documented so for that reason only a person writing a script would need to refer to the file. If interest in this facility is shown I may add documentation.

    ;        $Author:   USER "Dennis"  $
    ;      $Revision:   1.42  $
    ;          $Date:   28 Nov 2001 16:59:06  $
    ;       $Logfile:   C:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/PpwAddOn/WiseInst/bsd.wih.pvcs  $
    ;    DESCRIPTION:   A BSD (Branch Systems Development) specific
    ;                   setup for how we create packages.
    ;                   It provides a "front end" for the "WISEINST.WIH"
    ;                   package.
    ;                   This header is used to customise "ANX.WIH" setup and
    ;                   could be used as a basis for other departments -
    ;                   PLEASE RENAME THE FILE FROM "BSD.WIH" FIRST!!!!
    ;                   Note that we began with a "BSD.WIH" without the
    ;                   intermediate "ANX.WIH", I am slowly spliting up the
    ;                   logic. The intention is all customisation is done here.
    ;--- Must only be included once! --------------------------------------------
    #ifdef  BSD_VERSION
            #error  "This header file has already been included!"
    #define BSD_VERSION   01.332
    ;--- Who are we? ------------------------------------------------------------
    #define?  ANX_CONTACT_NAME       Damien Brown (Manager)
    #define?  ANX_CONTACT_NAME_PHONE (03)8615-5252
    #define?  ANX_DEPT_HOMEPAGE      http://www.anz/intranet/bsd/bsd_home.htm
    #define   ANX_COMPANY            ANX
    #define   ANX_DEPT_CODE          BSD
    #define   ANX_DEPT_LONG          Branch Systems Development
    #define   ANX_DEPT_ADDR_LINE     2/570 Bourke St, Melbourne, Australia
    #define   ANX_DEPT_DEVELOPED_BY      \
              Developed by               \
              <$ANX_DEPT_LONG>           \
              (<$ANX_COMPANY> - <$ANX_DEPT_ADDR_LINE>).
    ;--- How much compression? --------------------------------------------------
    #define? ANX_RELEASE_COMPRESSION_DEVELOPER  <$ANX_COMPRESSION_LOW>   ;;Relatively fast when developing
    #define? ANX_RELEASE_COMPRESSION_QA         <$ANX_COMPRESSION_HIGH>  ;;Slow but very good compression
    ;--- Set UNINSTALL (add-remove) ICON ----------------------------------------
    #define?  ANX_PRODUCT_ICON  <$ANX_DEPT_CODE>.ico  ;;Won't reliably appear due to Windows Installer bugs...
    ;--- Use BSD bitmap in dialogs (replace default Install/Uninstall one) ------
    #define?  ANX_PRODUCT_BMP  bsd3232.bmp            ;;Allow user to choose an alternative bitmap
    ;--- Root tree where you "Program Files" should go --------------------------
    #define STD_PROGFILE_ROOT C:\Program Files\<$ANX_COMPANY>   ;;We are not allowed to install anywhere else (AIS again)!!!!
    ;--- Do some stuff for backwards compatability (not needed for new stuff) ---
    ;--- We are not trying to cover every single possibility...               ---
    #ifdef  BSD_UPGRADE_CODE
       #define ANX_UPGRADE_CODE          <$BSD_UPGRADE_CODE>
    ;--- Include "ANX.WIH" (where most of the work is) --------------------------
    #include "ANX.WIH"
    ;--- Do some stuff for backwards compatability (not needed for new stuff) ---
    ;--- We are not trying to cover every single possibility...               ---
    #define  BsdVersion                 <$AnzVersion>
    #define  BsdIDriveSetupShortDirText <$AnzIDriveSetupShortDirText>
    ;--- Define SSP Standard Location for "Business Applications" ------------
           ;--- User did not say NOT to create ----------------------------------
           <$Directory Name="SCDIR_BUSAPPS"  Parent="ProgramMenuFolder" SubDir="Business Applications">
    ;--- Do not install on DOS versions of Windows or NT ------------------------
    #define BSD_WIN2000_ONLY \
        <_$ANX_DEPT_LONG> applications are only intended for use on Windows 2000!
    #ifndef ANX_CONTACT_NAME
       #define ANX_MSG_MUST_BE_WIN2000 <$BSD_WIN2000_ONLY>
       #define ANX_MSG_MUST_BE_WIN2000          \
               <$BSD_WIN2000_ONLY>              \
               Contact <_$ANX_CONTACT_NAME> on  \
               <_$ANX_CONTACT_NAME_PHONE>       \
               for more information.
    <$TABLE "LaunchCondition">
       <$Row Condition="NOT VersionNT OR (VersionNT >= 500)" Description="<$ANX_MSG_MUST_BE_WIN2000>">
    ;--- Record details about THIS header file ----------------------------------
    <$RecordDetailsAboutThisHeaderFile VERSION=^<$BSD_VERSION>^>

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My whole website and this manual itself was developed using PPWIZARD (free preprocessor written by Dennis Bareis)
Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm