PPWIZARD is a free preprocessor for HTML, REXX, Visual Basic or any text files.
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Installing using PPWW32.EXE in Windows

The "PPWW32.EXE" download for windows is a self extracting version which means that no separate unarchiving tool is required. This contains the Regina interpreter, PPWIZARD, and documentation in HTML format.

Nothing prevents you hand installing PPWIZARD on Windows, however this download makes the installation much easier and sets up the Windows shell so you can work via Explorer if you wish. If you do hand install, then I assume my Windows install is doing something you don't like; let me know and I will probably do something about it.

Note that the install process does not delete any files in the install directory if it exists. If you wish, you could delete this first, however if you have installed files from other downloads into this directory do not do this! PPWIZARD has uninstall support. Simply uninstall it as you would any other application.

The install procedure is as follow:

  1. Windows 95 users might need to download msvcrt.exe. This is a self-extracting program which contains the Microsoft 'C' runtime (must be installed into the c:\windows\system directory). Check if it is already in your directory, if not then run this program to install.

  2. If you have the EXE simply execute it to unzip the contents and run the installation. I recommend that you install into the default location of "C:\Program Files\PPWIZARD".

  3. If you have the ZIP you need to unzip it with WinZip or similar tools and then run "SETUP.EXE" (a renamed PPWW32.EXE) to start the setup.

  4. Follow bouncing ball. PPWIZARD creates a sample HTML page which it displays as part of the setup.

  5. The install directory is added to the PATH and right click options appear in Explorer on "standard" extensions (see "PPW_95.RIT" or "PPW_NT.RIT", depending on which platform you are on, for details on these and other associations).

  6. Reboot before using.

  7. If you right click on ".IT", ".X" or ".PPW" file types the PPWIZARD build options should appear and work!

Shell Integration (Explorer context menus)

This doco needs more work, however if you right click on ".IT", ".IH", ".X", ".XH" or ".PPW" files you will see edit and build options that PPWIZARD has installed.

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My whole website and this manual itself was developed using PPWIZARD (free preprocessor written by Dennis Bareis)
Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm