PPWIZARD is a free preprocessor for HTML, REXX, Visual Basic or any text files.
This is a rexx function provided by
This routine (like all PPWIZARD extensions) can be used with any operating system supported by PPWIZARD.
This function can be called to convert a string into a valid
format for use in a URL.
Characters such as '#' are converted to
codes as they have special meanings when found within a URL.
The new encoded string is returned.
This routine should eliminate the need for having to see encoded URLs
in your source code.
The parameters are as follows:
- Input String
This is the string which is to be encoded.
- Mode
- EncodeAll
All characters in the input string are encoded, so that it
can be called as a poor man's encryption scheme.
It can hide stuff (at least from casual browsing) in plain
html code etc.
A space in not encoded as a plus.
- To%
You need to supply a 3rd parameter which is a list of all
characters that you would like to encode.
A space is not encoded as a plus.
- To%Except
You need to supply a 3rd parameter which is a list of all
characters that you would not like to encode
all others are encoded.
By default all alphanumerics, dot, minus and underscore
characters are left alone.
A space is not encoded as a plus.
- ?
If you can tell me a scheme that is required then let me
know and I can add it...
- Mode Dependent Parameters
There may be one or more extra parameters depending on
the mode.
#evaluate 'HiddenText' ^UrlEncode("Password", "EncodeAll")^

Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm