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This is a standard Standard Rexx Routines, there are many more (only a small number are documented in this manual). Only a summary is described here, for more complete and accurate information about this and other rexx routines you will need to obtain some rexx documentation.

This routine is passed a string and a translated result is returned. The string is translated a character at a time, and if only a single parameter was passed converts the string to upper case. The ToLowerCase() call can be used to convert a string to lower case.

This function performs translations in english only, for other languages see the "ToLowerCase()" example.

To perform other sorts of translations supply an "output" followed by and "input" character string. Any character in the "input" string is converted to the matching character in the output string. Note that the ppwizard BulkChar2String() routine can convert single characters to any length strings.


    ;--- Convert to upper case ---
    InUpper = translate("asdf")
    ;--- Convert "\" to "/" ------
    NewStr = translate(OldStr, "/", "\")

[Top][Contents][Search][Prev]: Standard Rexx Routines[Next]: Rexx Fragments - Kick Start

My whole website and this manual itself was developed using PPWIZARD (free preprocessor written by Dennis Bareis)
Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm