PPWIZARD is a free preprocessor for HTML, REXX, Visual Basic or any text files.
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Switch /Making:MakingTextSpec

This is a PPWIZARD command line switch. You can set up your own default switches in the "PPWIZARD_OPTIONS" environment variable or in project files.

When PPWIZARD is making a file it normally displays text similar to "Making - this.htm", this switch allows you to modify what is displayed.

You can specify text for each of the possible processing modes (COPY, HTML, OTHER and REXX).

The "MakingTextSpec" parameter is of the format "/Mode/Text" (the text if blank reverts to default).

The Text may contain the following special text:


The following sets up the "making" text for the rexx processing mode.

    ppwizard /making:/REXX/We{x20}are{x20}making{x20}REXX{x20}CODE{x20}-{x20}{OL}

This is doing exactly the same thing:

    ppwizard ~/making:/REXX/We are making REXX CODE - {OL}~

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My whole website and this manual itself was developed using PPWIZARD (free preprocessor written by Dennis Bareis)
Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm