PPWIZARD is a free preprocessor for HTML, REXX, Visual Basic or any text files.
A #MacroSpace command allows you to add or drop rexx procedures
from the rexx macro space. This can be useful if you have some rexx
code which you frequently call in #if or
#Evaluate commands as they should execute faster if
they are available in the macro space.
[WhiteSpace]#MacroSpace ["]Command["] ["]RexxSourceFile["] [["]FunctionName["] ]
The "Command" should be "ADD" to add
to the macro space or "DROP" to remove. It is not an
error to ADD or DROP the same code more than once (even in a row).
Also note that unless you perform a drop when you have finished using
it it will take up space until you reboot OS/2.
The "RexxSourceFile" is the name of a rexx source file.
It should be a relative or absolute filename that currently exists.
The path is not searched.
If the optional "FunctionName" is not supplied
then the function name is the "RexxSourceFile" without path or
;--- Load macro (routine called "ConfigInf" - any case) -----------------
#if ConfigInf('TCPIP_ADDRESS') = ''
#Error "A TCPIP address is not available...."

Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm