PPWIZARD is a free preprocessor for HTML, REXX, Visual Basic or any text files.
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This is a rexx function provided by PPWIZARD. This routine (like all PPWIZARD extensions) can be used with any operating system supported by PPWIZARD.

The purpose of this routine is to search for a file. The return code is the full name of the file or the empty string ("") if it could not be located. This routine use used internally by PPWIZARD to search for files included with the #include command as well as other situations.

This routine takes a single parameter such as "fred.inc" and looks in the following standard locations for it:

The following locations are searched in order, using FindFileInPath():

  1. The Current Directory
    Any locations specified with the/IncludePath switch.
  3. PPWIZARD_INCLUDE environment variable.
  4. INCLUDE environment variable.
  5. PPWIZARD Install Directory

If you need more control over where PPWIZARD looks for the file then you should also check out the FindFileInPath() routine (which is also used internally by this call).


    #DefineRexx '' "$TRACE"
       File1 = FindFile("htmlpre.ih");

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My whole website and this manual itself was developed using PPWIZARD (free preprocessor written by Dennis Bareis)
Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm