PPWIZARD is a free preprocessor for HTML, REXX, Visual Basic or any text files.
This is a rexx function provided by
This routine (like all PPWIZARD extensions) can be used with any operating system supported by PPWIZARD.
The purpose of this routine is to copy one file to another.
The return code is "0" when the file was successfully copied or non-zero
on error (assuming it returns).
This routine takes at least 2 parameters as follows:
- Source File
The name of the source file to be copied.
- Destination File
The name of the destination file (overwritten if required).
- Copy Mode
The only supported values are:
- "" means always copy.
- "EQUAL" means source is copied if not the same
as the destination.
The files contents is not examined, PPWIZARD simply
looks at the file size, date and time information.
- Continue on Error?
Pass "Y" to return a non-zero return code on error rather than
This does not cover incorrect parameters.
#DefineRexx '' "$TRACE"
Call FileCopy '1.x', 'out\2.x', 'equal'

Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm