PPWIZARD is a free preprocessor for HTML, REXX, Visual Basic or any text files.
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This is a rexx function provided by PPWIZARD. This routine (like all PPWIZARD extensions) can be used with any operating system supported by PPWIZARD.

This function has 2 main operations as follows:

  1. Compare a string against a compare specification. The return specification parameter is not passed by the caller. Returns 0 if not matched and 1 if match.

  2. Compare a string against a compare specification. Either return the original string on no match or a new string as specified by the return specification.

This is quite a complicated routine and hopefully the examples will clarify things.

This routine can be very useful in #AsIs and #AutoTag processing.

The function takes 3 parameters as follows:

  1. The string to be compared with.

  2. The COMPARE specification. This is made up of one or more of the following command sequences (in any order):

  3. The RETURN specification. If not supplied then we are doing a simple compare operation and returning 1 on match and 0 if not.

    This parameter determines what string this routine will return. You can extract parts of the first parameter and intermix text of your own. A return command is imbedded in text and begins with the '@' character, the following byte determines the type of command, valid commands are:

While some validation of the parameters is performed you should be careful with the parameters passed. If invalid parameters are passed you probably will not get the "change" you desire and I'm not ruling out a PPWIZARD trap. Validations are only performed when they will not (greatly) affect performance.

Example - Compare Specifications

  1. @=,1=^HTML^
    To see if a string starts with the characters "HTML" (in that case).

  2. @=,1=^HTML^!i@=,-2=^YZ^
    To see if a string starts with the characters "HTML" (in that case) and ends with the characters "YZ" (in any case).

  3. !B@=,1=^HTML^!i@=,-2=^YZ^
    Same as above but leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.

  4. @=,1=/HTML/!i@<>,-2=\YZ\
    To see if a string starts with the characters "HTML" (in that case) and does not end with the characters "YZ" (in any case).

  5. !i?=/HTML/
    We expect the compare string to contain "HTML" (in any case).

Example - Return Specifications

  1. ABCD
    Return the string "ABCD".

  2. AB@@C@@D
    Return the string "AB@C@D".

  3. REM @$1,*;
    Return the compare string (first parameter) preceeded by "REM ".

  4. REM @$1,1;@$3,1;@$-1,1;
    Return the 1st and 3rd and last characters of the compare string preceeded by "REM ".

  5. REM (@=/strip(CompareString)/)
    Return the line stripped of leading and trailing whitespace surrounded by round brackets and preceeded by "REM ".

Stupid Examples

    ;--- The following compare operation will return "1" as the compare "matches" ---
    #evaluate ^^ ^say 'Expect to see 1    ==> ' || CompareReplaceFixed('HTML', '@=,1=~HTML~')^
    ;--- The following compare matches and the return specification is processed ---
    #evaluate ^^ ^say 'Expect to see ASDF ==> ' || CompareReplaceFixed('HTML', '@=,1=~HTML~', 'ASDF')^

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My whole website and this manual itself was developed using PPWIZARD (free preprocessor written by Dennis Bareis)
Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm