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Creating HTML pages from Windows URL Shortcuts or OS/2 URL Objects |
Example - WPS URL Objects to HTML |
I keep all my WPS URL objects off a main URL folder, I then create HTML pages from this so I can effectively access my URL objects from anywhere via the internet (pages at http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/bookmark.htm). Different categories can have their own look and feel!
This code highly customises how the header "FTPLIKE.IH" works. At the moment I am still working on separating the code to a generic header file and my specific configuration of this. Ffor this reason there will be things in "bookmark.ih" which should not be and vise versa.
This is the code I use for my specific customisations (as at 17 Jan 02, 6:27pm):
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------[ BOOKMARK.IT ]----------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ************************************************************************* ; WORK IN PROGRESS, I AM GRADUALLY SEPARATING BOOKMARK.IT/.IH so that there ; is a generic component anyone can use and my separate customisations ; (in "BOOKMARK.IT"). ; ************************************************************************* ; ; This file contains specific customisations to bookmarks for Dennis ; Bareis' site. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- Include my common header ----------------------------------------------- #define HITCOUNT_NAME bookmark_pages ;#define PAGE_TRANSITION_ENTER Duration=1,Transition=3 #define PAGE_TRANSITION_EXIT Duration=1,Transition=2 #define Title "Dennis' Personal Bookmarks" #define AddToDescription Dennis' Personal Bookmarks, straight from OS/2 WPS URL Objects #define COLOR_PAGE_TITLE #003366 ;;Original Dark Blue ;;#define COMPUTER_NO_DESC_KEYWORD_META #define CSSSTYLE_EXTRA \ .LinkErr A:hover \ { -\ color: yellow; -\ text-decoration:underline -\ } #include "computer.ih" ;--- Add counter to this page ----------------------------------------------- #define COUNTER_ID 685720 #define COUNTER_ROOT c1 #include "counter.ih" ;--- Title ------------------------------------------------------------------ <$BackgroundMainWindows> <$PageTitle TITLE="Dennis' Personal Bookmarks"> ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%[ Definitions for use in my "DIRATTR.$$$" files ]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #evaluate "Eol" "d2c(10)" #define LookAndFeelForOs2 \ BgImage = graphics/os2warp.jpg<$Eol> -\ BgColor = #E0E0E0 #define LookAndFeelForPpwizard \ BgImage = ppwizard/ppw_bg.jpg<$Eol> -\ BgColor = WHITE #define LookAndFeelForFlowers \ BgImage = graphics/flowers.jpg<$Eol> -\ BgColor = #F7FFCE #define LookAndFeelForLinux \ BgImage = graphics/linux_bg.gif<$Eol> -\ BgColor = #FFFFC6 #define LookAndFeelForWindows \ BgImage = graphics/bg_win.jpg<$Eol> -\ BgColor = #E0E0E0<$Eol> -\ DirIcon = <IMG SRC="graphics/win16x12.gif" VALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=12 BORDER=0><$Eol> -\ DotDotIcon = <IMG SRC="graphics/win16x12.gif" VALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=12 BORDER=0> ;--- At end of file listing... ---------------------------------------------- #define? ALL_URL_TOOLTIP \ This page contains all URLS along with any comments \ and all categories the URL is contained in. \ You can use your browser's search facility \ (CTRL+F in Internet Explorer) to locate URLS you \ might be interested in. \ Click on the category to view similar URLs. #define FTPLIKE_END_PAGE_ABOVE_FOOTER \ #ifdef ALL_URL_NAME -\ <CENTER> -\ <P>A <A HREF="<$ALL_URL_NAME>" TITLE="<$ALL_URL_TOOLTIP>"> -\ complete listing of all URLS</A> \ is available if you are having trouble \ locating a URL. -\ </CENTER> -\ #endif -\ <$ImgBarbedWire> -\ <CENTER> -\ <H2>Creating These Book Mark Pages</H2> -\ </CENTER> -\ -\ <P>This page was automatically created from Windows \ Internet Explorer URL objects created with IE 5 or \ converted from my OS/2 Netscape WPS URLs (which are \ also supported). \ \ The free tool used was \ <A HREF="ppwizard.htm">PPWIZARD</A> \ (for Windows, Unix & OS/2) using \ <A HREF="ppwizard/bookmarks.htm"> -\ this source code \ </A>. -\ -\ <P>All URLs are checked periodically using the \ <A HREF="checkurl.htm">my free URL validation tool</A> \ (for Windows and OS/2). \ This ensures that very few if any links point to moved \ pages or return 404 errors etc. ;--- Look and feel of Good and bad links ------------------------------------ #DefineRexx BOOKMARK_URL_OK_INFO if eUrl_LASTUPD = '' then UtTT = '"OK when tested at ' || eUrl_DATE || '"' else UtTT = ' "OK when tested at ' || eUrl_DATE || ' (HTML page dated ' || eUrl_LASTUPD || ')"' UtTT_A = ' title=' || UtTT; UtTT_IMG = ' title=' || UtTT || ' alt=' || UtTT OkTick = '<img src="graphics/cb_tick.gif" hspace="2" vspace="2" align="top" border="0"' || UtTT_IMG || '>' #DefineRexx #DefineRexx BOOKMARK_URL_NOT_YET_CHECKED OkTick = '' UtTT = '"This link has not been tested yet"' UtTT_A = ' title=' || UtTT; UtTT_IMG = ' title=' || UtTT || ' alt=' || UtTT #DefineRexx ;--- Include common support code -------------------------------------------- #define BOOKMARK_DIRECTORY C:\DBAREIS\Bookmarks ;#define+ BOOKMARK_DIRECTORY C:\DBAREIS\Bookmarks\My Computer ;#define+ BOOKMARK_DIRECTORY C:\DBAREIS\Bookmarks\Donate (FOR FREE) ;#define+ BOOKMARK_DIRECTORY C:\DBAREIS\Bookmarks\Computer\OpSys\Windows\WIN NT or 2000 ;#define+ BOOKMARK_DIRECTORY C:\DBAREIS\Bookmarks\Computer\Hardware ;#define BOOKMARK_OPEN_LINK_IN _BareisSame ;;Creates one new window which is reused by all links #define CHECKURL_MEMFILE C:\DBAREIS\Projects\HOMEPAGE\html\out\REMOTE.URL\checkurl.mem #include "BOOKMARK.IH"
This is the (becoming) generic header code I use (as at 13 Jan 02, 8:32am):
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------[ BOOKMARK.IH ]----------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ************************************************************************* ; WORK IN PROGRESS, I AM GRADUALLY SEPARATING BOOKMARK.IT/.IH so that there ; is a generic component anyone can use and my separate customisations ; (in "BOOKMARK.IT"). ; ************************************************************************* ; ; This header file expands on the basic functionality provided by the ; "FTPLIKE" header to allow you to organise Netscape or Internet Explorer ; URL objects in categories and then generate HTML pages for these. ; ; You can see my bookmarks at: ; ; http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/bookmark.htm ; ; Some of the features: ; ; * You can nest categories to any level. ; ; * Categories (tree) can appear in more than one place ; WITHOUT duplicating the URLS. ; ; * Url's can be commented, giving you the ability to use normal ; browser URL (shortcut) creation and add comments to your ; generated pages. ; ; ; Some details: ; ; * The main (top level) URLS are incorporated into the page that ; includes this one, all others are generated from start to finish. ; ; ; ; Improvements I need to make ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; * Make user customisable "BOOKMARK.IT" header, removing any of my ; stuff into a new private header. ; ; * Use Java (or JavaScript) Tree Navigation ; ; * As well as ALL URLS listed what about being able to indicate ; categories example "all windows". ; ; * What about index similar to all url list. Probably supply list of ; words (but maybe exceptions) so as to exclude "the" etc. ; ; ; * BUG in ">DIRTEXT" etc, only takes first line? ; ; * Files/Dirs starting with '$$' invisible and don't appear ; in generated pages. #define will allow disable or selection ; of different prefix. ; ; * Have dir attributes, need easy way to assign "file" ; attribs (priority , alias etc). Maybe use "[*BOOKMARK*]" to ; mark off section of file, probablt then go to 1st '['? ; ; * Allow option define of collon URLS ALIAS defined in UTL name: ; ; URL TITLE$$$URL ALIAS ; ; * Once mechanism for giving a URL an alias need new DIR command ; (IncludeUrls) to include common file/url Aliases. ; ; * Too much to write down ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- Initialization --------------------------------------------------------- #define OpSys <?OpSys> #if left('<$OpSys>', 3) = 'WIN' #define+ OpSys WINDOWS #endif #if '<$OpSys>' <> 'WINDOWS' & '<$OpSys>' <> 'OS/2' #error "Sorry but you will need to modify this file to work on operating systems other than Windows & OS/2! These changes are expected to be relatively minor." #endif #if ['<$OpSys>' = 'OS/2'] ;--- In OS/2 can get "real name" of file from EA's ------------------- #evaluate "" "call RxFuncAdd 'SysGetEA', 'RexxUtil', 'SysGetEA'" #endif #RexxVar AllUrlCount = 0 #define ALL_URL_NAME bookmark_all_urls.htm ;--- Need sorting support for URLS ------------------------------------------ #include "PpwSort.h" ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%[ Override FTPLIKE Header Defaults ]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;--- Used as separator ------------------------------------------------------ #define SPACE <IMG SRC="graphics/clear1x1.gif" ALIGN=middle ALT=" " BORDER=0 WIDTH={$HSIZE=^1^} HEIGHT={$VSIZE=^1^}> ;--- Define the "window" that a bookmark URL opens in ----------------------- #ifndef BOOKMARK_OPEN_LINK_IN ;--- Each link opens its own window ------------------------------ #define BOOKMARK_OPEN_LINK_IN _blank #endif ;--- Save values of this pages info (they get modified below!) -------------- ;;#ifndef VERSION_PUSHPOPM_H ;; #include "PushPopM.H" ;;#endif #push Macro 'ShortNameHtml' #push Macro 'ShortNameHtmlLowerCase' ;--- Don't just want filename! We want Title + URL -------------------------- #DefineRexx REXX_PREPARE_LEFT_SIDE ;--- Get the URL, we know a filename ------------------------------------- CloseRc = stream(FtpFile, 'c', 'close'); #if ['<$OpSys>' = 'OS/2'] ;--- First line of OS/2 WPS URL file contains the URL ---------------- eUrl = linein(FtpFile); #endif #if ['<$OpSys>' = 'WINDOWS'] ;--- In WINDOWS Look for "URL=" in column 1 -------------------------- eUrl = ''; do while lines(FtpFile) <> 0 ;--- Look for URL line ------------------------------------------- ThisLine = linein(FtpFile); if left(ThisLine, 4) = "URL=" then do ;--- Found it! ----------------------------------------------- eUrl = substr(ThisLine, 5); ;;Rest of line is URL leave; ;;Look no further! end; end; ;--- Found the URL within the file? ---------------------------------- if eUrl = '' then do ;--- Did not find it! -------------------------------------------- eUrl = 'URL not found in "' || FtpFile || '"'; call Warning 'URL_NF', eUrl; eUrl = 'Error: ' || eUrl; end; #endif CloseRc = stream(FtpFile, 'c', 'close'); ;--- Under windows TITLE will end with ".url" ---------------------------- ThinTitle = '{$TITLE}'; #if ['<$OpSys>' = 'WINDOWS'] if translate(right(ThinTitle, 4)) = '.URL' then ThinTitle = left(ThinTitle, length(ThinTitle)-4); #endif ;--- Make sure title not too "wide" -------------------------------------- ThinTitle = ReplaceString(ThinTitle, '<BR>', ' '); ;;Not sure why this is here... ThinTitle = BreakAt(30, ThinTitle, ' -', '<br>'); ThinTitle = ReplaceString(ThinTitle, ' <br>', '<br>'); ThinTitle = ReplaceString(ThinTitle, '<br> ', '<br>'); ;--- Fix quote char on some titles --------------------------------------- ThinTitle = ReplaceString(ThinTitle, '`', "'"); ThinTitle = ReplaceString(ThinTitle, 'EF'x, "'"); ;--- Make sure URL not too "wide" ---------------------------------------- ThinUrl = BreakAt(25, eURL); ;--- Was the URL OK? ----------------------------------------------------- OkTick = ''; UtTT = ''; UtTT_A = ''; UtTT_IMG = ''; <$SetUpOkCheckUrlInfo> #DefineRexx #define FTPLIKE_FILE_LEFT_SIDE_DISPLAY \ #evaluate '' ^<$REXX_PREPARE_LEFT_SIDE TITLE='<??FtpShortD $$SQx2>'>;^ -\ <TR> ;;Start New File row %\ <TD ALIGN=CENTER> ;;Start filename cell %\ <A HREF="<??eURL>" TARGET=<$BOOKMARK_OPEN_LINK_IN><??UtTT_A>> -\ <??ThinTitle> -\ </A> %\ </TD> ;;End cell \ <TD ALIGN=CENTER> ;;Start filename cell %\ <A HREF="<??eURL>" TARGET=<$BOOKMARK_OPEN_LINK_IN><??UtTT_A>> -\ <??ThinUrl> -\ <??OkTick> -\ </A> -\ </TD> ;;End cell ;--- How to handle external links in the comment (use VALRURL.H") ----------- #define FTPLIKE_WEBLINK_TEMPLATE_HTTP \ '<' || '$ExtHttp VISIBLE=^{URL}^ HTTPURL=^{URL-}^ target="<$BOOKMARK_OPEN_LINK_IN>">' || d2c(10) #define FTPLIKE_WEBLINK_TEMPLATE_FTP \ '<' || '$ExtFtp VISIBLE=^{URL}^ FTPURL=^{URL-}^ target="<$BOOKMARK_OPEN_LINK_IN>">' || d2c(10) #DefineRexx+ ValidateUrlR_REXX_Location UrlSourceLocation = 'URL COMMENT - ' || FtpFile; #DefineRexx ;--- Right side display (comment) + capture URL ----------------------------- #DefineRexx FTPLIKE_GET_FILE_COMMENT ;;Note comment's are not allowed to contain <ENTER> (don't know how to handle)! ;--- Find comment for URL, we know a filename ------------------- #if ['<$OpSys>' = 'OS/2'] ;--- In OS/2 comments are stored in OS/2 Extended Attributes - if SysGetEA(FtpFile, ".COMMENTS", "FtpComment") <> 0 then FtpComment = ''; else FtpComment = substr(FtpComment, 11); ;;Drop EA Type info FtpComment = space(ReplaceString(FtpComment, '0D0A'x, '<BR>')); #endif #if ['<$OpSys>' = 'WINDOWS'] ;--- Look for bookmark comment section (freeform text) ------ CommentSection = "[BMCOMMENTS]"; CommentNl = d2c(10); FoundComment = 'N'; FtpComment = ''; CloseRc = stream(FtpFile, 'c', 'close'); do while lines(FtpFile) <> 0 ;--- Get next line (ignore leading/trailing spaces) ----- ThisLine = strip(linein(FtpFile)); if left(ThisLine, 1) = '[' then do ;--- Found start of Section -------------------------- if FoundComment = 'Y' then leave; ;;Found end of comment! ThisLine = translate(ThisLine); if ThisLine = CommentSection then FoundComment = 'Y'; end; else do ;--- Just a normal line ------------------------------ if FoundComment = 'Y' then do if FtpComment == '' then FtpComment = space(ThisLine); else FtpComment = FtpComment || CommentNl || space(ThisLine); end; end; end; CloseRc = stream(FtpFile, 'c', 'close'); ;--- Add "<P>" for paragraphs ------------------------------- FtpComment = ReplaceString(FtpComment, CommentNl || CommentNl, '<P>'); ;--- Sort out line wrapping issues -------------------------- FtpComment = ReplaceString(FtpComment, CommentNl, ' '); #endif ;--- Now see if any high ASCII ---------------------------------- HighPos = verify(FtpComment, xrange('80'x, 'FF'x), 'M'); if HighPos <> 0 then do HighChar = substr(FtpComment, HighPos, 1); call Warning 'BM_HAC', 'High ASCII found for "' || FtpFile || '" ("' || HighChar || '" - ASCII ' || c2d(HighChar) || ')'; FtpComment = strip(left(FtpComment, HighPos-1)) || '<HR><FONT COLOR="RED"><BLINK>Truncated here.</BLINK></FONT>' || " <B>Please don't use ENTER to separate paragraphs!</B>"; end; <$AddCheckUrlErrorInfoToComment> ;--- Autocreate http/ftp links in comments ---------------------- <$FTPLIKE_ADJUST_FILE_COMMENT> ;**************************************************************** ;***[ Now keep information about this URL (for all URLs page) *** ;**************************************************************** ;--- Now compact the title -------------------------------------- Title = ReplaceString(FtpShortD, '<BR>', ' '); Title = space(Title); ;--- Under Windows title will end with ".url" ------------------- #if ['<$OpSys>' = 'WINDOWS'] if translate(right(Title, 4)) = '.URL' then Title = left(Title, length(Title)-4); #endif ;--- Increase count and save info in array ---------------------- AllUrlCount = AllUrlCount + 1; AllUrl.AllUrlCount.!SortKey = translate(Title); AllUrl.AllUrlCount.!Url = eURL; AllUrl.AllUrlCount.!Title = Title; AllUrl.AllUrlCount.!Comment = FtpComment; AllUrl.AllUrlCount.!Category= '<$FTPLIKE_DISPLAY_DIR_TITLETAG $$SQx2>'; AllUrl.AllUrlCount.!Html = ToLowerCase(_filespec('name', '<?OutputFile>')); #DefineRexx #DefineRexx 'Rexx2AmPm' TimeAmPmFmt = GetAmPmTimeFromHhMmSs('{$TIME}'); #DefineRexx #define FTPLIKE_SHOW_FILE_TIME \ #evaluate ^^ ^<$Rexx2AmPm TIME="<??FtpHour>:<??FtpMinute>:<??FtpSecond>">^ -\ <??FtpDay> <??FtpMon> <??FtpYear> \ <??TimeAmPmFmt> #define FTPLIKE_ADD_FILE_SIZE_AFTER_TIME ;;Don't want file size! ;--- Other stuff ------------------------------------------------------------ #define FTPLIKE_NO_HEADER_FOOTER_ON_1ST_PAGE #define FTPLIKE_FOLLOW_SUBDIRECTORIES #define FTPLIKE_USE_LONG_FILENAMES 100 #define FTPLIKE_BODY_BG_IMG graphics/bground.jpg #define FTPLIKE_BODY_BG_COLOR #CCFFFF #define FTPLIKE_BODY_LINK_COLOR #3333FF #define FTPLIKE_BODY_VLINK_COLOR green #define FTPLIKE_BODY_ATTR_OTHER LEFTMARGIN=5 TOPMARGIN=5 MARGINWIDTH=5 MARGINHEIGHT=5 #define FTPLIKE_DIRECTORY <$BOOKMARK_DIRECTORY> #define FTPLIKE_DIRECTORY_WEB #define FTPLIKE_NEWHTML_PREFIX bookmark_ #define FTPLIKE_HEADER <$PageTitle TITLE="{$Title}"> #define FTPLIKE_FOOTER \ #evaluate+ ShortNameHtml "_filespec('name', '<?OutputFile>')" -\ #evaluate+ ShortNameHtmlLowerCase "ToLowerCase('<$ShortNameHtml>')" -\ <$EndHtmlWithStandardFooter> #define FTPLIKE_TEXT_FILE url #define FTPLIKE_TEXT_FILES urls #define FTPLIKE_TEXT_DIR category #define FTPLIKE_TEXT_DIRS categories #define FTPLIKE_MINI_DIR_IMG_TAG <IMG SRC="graphics/fldrcls.gif" ALIGN="MIDDLE" ALT="*" TITLE="" BORDER=0 WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=11 VSPACE=3> #define FTPLIKE_DONT_USE_C2X ;;Have longish dirs/names #define FTPLIKE_HEAD_STYLE_TAGS <$CssStyle> #define FTPLIKE_EXTRA_HEAD_TAGS \ <$FULL_PICS_RATING> %\ <$ENGLISH_CHARSET><?NewLine> ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%[ Handle CHECKURL ".MEM" file - Initialization ]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #ifdef CHECKURL_MEMFILE ;--- Load CHECKURL support ------------------------------------------- #include "CheckUrl.IH" ;;Interface to my free URL checker ;--- User may not want "OK" indicators ------------------------------- #ifdef BOOKMARK_NO_CHECKURL_OK_INDICATORS #DefineRexx 'SetUpOkCheckUrlInfo' ;--- Get CheckUrl Info (need for error status) --------------- <$CHECKURL_CHECK_URL URLVAR="eUrl" BaseVar="eUrl"> #DefineRexx #else #DefineRexx 'SetUpOkCheckUrlInfo' do ;--- Get CheckUrl Info --------------------------------------- <$CHECKURL_CHECK_URL URLVAR="eUrl" BaseVar="eUrl"> ;--- Set up Info --------------------------------------------- OkTick = ''; if eURL_STATUS = <$CHECKURL_STATUS_OK> then do ;--- URL is OK ------------------------------------------- <$BOOKMARK_URL_OK_INFO>; end; else do if eURL_STATUS = <$CHECKURL_STATUS_NO_INFO> then do ;--- URL is OK ------------------------------------------- <$BOOKMARK_URL_NOT_YET_CHECKED>; end; end; end #DefineRexx #end if ;--- Add ERROR indicators -------------------------------------------- #DefineRexx 'AddCheckUrlErrorInfoToComment' if eURL_STATUS = <$CHECKURL_STATUS_ERROR> then do ;--- Don't want to URL check any URLS in error message! ------ CmtErrorText = ReplaceString(eUrl_ERROR, ":", ':'); ;;Hide "http:" ;--- Format error info --------------------------------------- MemBit = '<' || '?NewLine>' if FtpComment <> '' then MemBit = MemBit || '<br>' MemBit = MemBit || '<div class="LinkErr" title="Oops, my free URL Checker picked up a problem. I will fix ASAP although sometimes I give them a bit of time to come good again!">' MemBit = MemBit || '<center><table border=4 bordercolor="black" BGCOLOR="#ff6342"><tr><td>' MemBit = MemBit || '<font size="-1" color="white"><center>[CHECKURL Validation ' || eUrl_DATE || ']<br>' || CmtErrorText || '<center></font>' MemBit = MemBit || '</td></tr></table></center>' MemBit = MemBit || '</div>' FtpComment = FtpComment || MemBit end; #DefineRexx #elseif #define SetUpOkCheckUrlInfo #define AddCheckUrlErrorInfoToComment #endif ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%[ Include FTPLIKE Header ]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #include "FTPLIKE.IH" ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%[ Add Footer to "ROOT" Page ]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #pop Macro 'ShortNameHtmlLowerCase' #pop Macro 'ShortNameHtml' <$EndHtmlWithStandardFooter> ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%[ Produce ALL URLS List Page ]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #ifdef ALL_URL_NAME #output "<$ALL_URL_NAME>" ;--- Output Header stuff --------------------------------------------- #define+ FTPLIKE_DISPLAY_DIR_TITLETAG ALL <??AllUrlCount> LINKS #define+ FTPLIKE_DISPLAY_DIR_CATEGORY_LT <$FTPLIKE_DISPLAY_DIR_TITLETAG> <$FTPLIKE_START_HTML_PAGE> ;--- Generate BODY --------------------------------------------------- <?NewLine> #if [AllUrlCount = 0] <P>No URLs at all! #elseif ;--- Generate body ----------------------------------------------- #DefineRexx "" ;--- Sort the array by Title ------------------------- <$GenRexx2Sort \ COUNT=^AllUrlCount^ \ GREATER=^SrtGreater = AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!SortKey > AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!SortKey^ \ SWAP=^ \ SrtTemp = AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!SortKey; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!SortKey = AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!SortKey; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!SortKey = SrtTemp; \ SrtTemp = AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!Title; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!Title = AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!Title; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!Title = SrtTemp; \ SrtTemp = AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!Url; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!Url = AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!Url; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!Url = SrtTemp; \ SrtTemp = AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!Comment; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!Comment = AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!Comment; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!Comment = SrtTemp; \ SrtTemp = AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!Category; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!Category = AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!Category; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!Category = SrtTemp; \ SrtTemp = AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!Html; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex1.!Html = AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!Html; \ AllUrl.SrtIndex2.!Html = SrtTemp; \ ^ \ > ;--- Display Each item ------------------------------- AllOutput = ''; Index = 1; do while Index <= AllUrlCount ;--- Get main information ------------------------ StartName = AllUrl.Index.!Title; StartUrl = AllUrl.Index.!Url; StartComment = AllUrl.Index.!Comment; ;--- Output Name & URL --------------------------- UrlLink = '<A HREF="' || StartUrl || '" TARGET=<$BOOKMARK_OPEN_LINK_IN>>' || StartUrl || '</A>'; AllOutput = AllOutput || '<P>'; AllOutput = AllOutput || '<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING=1 cellspacing=0>'; AllOutput = AllOutput || '<TR><TD BGCOLOR=SILVER>' || StartName || '</TD></TR>'; AllOutput = AllOutput || '<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#FFFF9C">' || UrlLink || '</TD></TR>'; ;--- Add category information to comments -------- Comment = StartComment; do Index = Index to AllUrlCount ;--- Only category differs? ------------------ if StartName <> AllUrl.Index.!Title | StartUrl <> AllUrl.Index.!Url | StartComment <> AllUrl.Index.!Comment then leave; ;--- Add category ---------------------------- MoreLikeThis = '<A HREF="' || AllUrl.Index.!Html || '"><SMALL>Category: ' || AllUrl.Index.!Category || '</SMALL></A>'; if Comment = '' then Comment = MoreLikeThis; else Comment = Comment || '<BR>' || MoreLikeThis; end; ;--- Output comments and category information ---- AllOutput = AllOutput || '<TR><TD BGCOLOR=WHITE>'; AllOutput = AllOutput || Comment; AllOutput = AllOutput || '</TD></TR>'; ;--- End the entries table etc ------------------- AllOutput = AllOutput || '</TABLE>'; ;--- How many items did we just handle? ---------- end; #DefineRexx <??AllOutput> #endif ;--- Thats All for this file --------------------------------------------- <$FTPLIKE_FOOTER> #output #endif
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