Scenalyzer FAQ ************************************************************************************************* If you like Scenalyzer, you will probably love ScenalyzerLive. Check out the free trial-version at - it is a very comfortable capture program which splits the scenes while capturing, has fast indexing and smart batchcapturing, seemless capturing/playback of multiple files, quick still export etc. ************************************************************************************************* Q: What does Scenalyzer do? A: Scenalyzer splits .avi files containing dv-video into the individual scenes thus saving a lot of time when you prepare your DV-material for editing. Q: Does Scenalyzer work with D8 cameras, too? A: Yes, it works with both, DV and with D8 material. Whenever it says 'DV' here, it means 'D8', too. Q: How much does Scenalyzer cost and where can I get it from? A: Scenalyzer is freeware, you can download it from Q: What cards does Scenalyzer work with? A: It should now work pretty much all dv-capture cards that use an .avi file format. Q: Is Scenalyzer opendml-compatible? A: Yes it is. If the source-files are odml-files, Scenalyzer will automatically generate odml-files. Q: Is Scenalyzer NTSC/PAL compatible? A: Yes it is. Q: Scenalyzers datestamp-scan does not find any scenes in the material, whats wrong? A: The datestamp is the time and date when the video was recorded. DV-Cameras store the datestamp information in the binary framedata. Scenalyzer identifies the individual scenes by looking for different datestamps in the material. If the video has not been recorded on a DV-Camera, it will not contain the datestamp-information, and Scenalyzer will not be able to identify individual scenes using the datestamp-scan -> use optical scan instead. Q: I have copied analog video onto a dv-tape- or - I am using HI8 tapes in a D8 camera, why does Scenalyzer not find the individual scenes in this video using the datestamp-scan? A: Because the datestamp-information is missing in the video files. See the question above. Q: Can I use Scenalyzer with mpeg/mjpeg cards? A: No. Scenalyzer only works with dv-video. Q: Does Scenalyzer work with referenced .avi files as used by the Canopus-cards? A: Yes, it does. Please note when using referenced .avi files: The video data is not stored in the .avi file but in a separate data file, e.g. capture.000. The .avi files contain the audio-data and the path of the capture.000 file. The capture.000 file must always stay on the same location (e.g. c:\capture.000) where it was initially created by the capture-program. Scenalyzer creates new referenced .avi files which will still point to the original capture.000-file. Using referenced .avi files improves the speed of Scenalyzer (because the video-data does not have to be copied) but it has two disadvantages: deleting a referenced .avi file will not free up the disk space used by the video-data of this scene and you have to leave the capture.000-file on its original location. Q: How can I set the disk/folder where the clips are written to? A: Push the '...' button on the right of the edit control where you set the output-name. Q: Why is that funny date-format 19991231 used? A: This date-format allows correctly sorting the names of the clips by creation-date. Q: what does "Scenalyzer" mean? A: Scene Analyzer :-) Check out for updates, support and feedback. I'd like to hear from users like you: just drop me a short note (including the type of your dv-card and your OS) in english or german to, Be assured that I don't give away any e-mail addresses. "Some of the names mentioned here are trademarks of their owners." Scenalyzer was made in the EU. Scenalyzer is (C) 2001 by Andreas Winter If you want to distribute this program or upload it to your website please contact .