12.8. Math Commands

Command Listing


Decompose an integer into prime factors.

 bash$ factor 27417
 27417: 3 13 19 37

bc, dc

These are flexible, arbitrary precision calculation utilities.

bc has a syntax vaguely resembling C.

dc uses RPN ("Reverse Polish Notation").

Of the two, bc seems more useful in scripting. It is a fairly well-behaved UNIX utility, and may therefore be used in a pipe.

Bash can't handle floating point calculations, and it lacks operators for certain important mathematical functions. Fortunately, bc comes to the rescue.

Here is a simple template for using bc to calculate a script variable.

 	      variable=$(echo "OPTIONS; OPERATIONS" | bc)

Example 12-27. Monthly Payment on a Mortgage

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 # monthlypmt.sh: Calculates monthly payment on a mortgage.
   5 # This is a modification of code in the "mcalc" (mortgage calculator) package,
   6 # by Jeff Schmidt and Mendel Cooper (yours truly, the author of this document).
   7 #   http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/apps/financial/mcalc-1.6.tar.gz  [15k]
   9 echo
  10 echo "Given the principal, interest rate, and term of a mortgage,"
  11 echo "calculate the monthly payment."
  13 bottom=1.0
  15 echo
  16 echo -n "Enter principal (no commas) "
  17 read principal
  18 echo -n "Enter interest rate (percent) "  # If 12%, enter "12", not ".12".
  19 read interest_r
  20 echo -n "Enter term (months) "
  21 read term
  24  interest_r=$(echo "scale=9; $interest_r/100.0" | bc) # Convert to decimal.
  25                  # "scale" determines how many decimal places.
  28  interest_rate=$(echo "scale=9; $interest_r/12 + 1.0" | bc)
  31  top=$(echo "scale=9; $principal*$interest_rate^$term" | bc)
  33  echo; echo "Please be patient. This may take a while."
  35  let "months = $term - 1"
  36  for ((x=$months; x > 0; x--))
  37  do
  38    bot=$(echo "scale=9; $interest_rate^$x" | bc)
  39    bottom=$(echo "scale=9; $bottom+$bot" | bc)
  40 #  bottom = $(($bottom + $bot"))
  41  done
  43  # let "payment = $top/$bottom"
  44  payment=$(echo "scale=2; $top/$bottom" | bc)
  45  # Use two decimal places for dollars and cents.
  47  echo
  48  echo "monthly payment = \$$payment"  # Echo a dollar sign in front of amount.
  49  echo
  52  exit 0
  54  # Exercises:
  55  #   1) Filter input to permit commas in principal amount.
  56  #   2) Filter input to permit interest to be entered as percent or decimal.
  57  #   3) If you are really ambitious,
  58  #      expand this script to print complete amortization tables.

Example 12-28. Base Conversion

   1 :
   2 ##########################################################################
   3 # Shellscript:	base.sh - print number to different bases (Bourne Shell)
   4 # Author     :	Heiner Steven (heiner.steven@odn.de)
   5 # Date       :	07-03-95
   6 # Category   :	Desktop
   7 # $Id: base.sh,v 1.2 2000/02/06 19:55:35 heiner Exp $
   8 ##########################################################################
   9 # Description
  10 #
  11 # Changes
  12 # 21-03-95 stv	fixed error occuring with 0xb as input (0.2)
  13 ##########################################################################
  15 # ==> Used in this document with the script author's permission.
  16 # ==> Comments added by document author.
  18 NOARGS=65
  19 PN=`basename "$0"`			       # Program name
  20 VER=`echo '$Revision: 1.2 $' | cut -d' ' -f2`  # ==> VER=1.2
  22 Usage () {
  23     echo "$PN - print number to different bases, $VER (stv '95)
  24 usage: $PN [number ...]
  26 If no number is given, the numbers are read from standard input.
  27 A number may be
  28     binary (base 2)		starting with 0b (i.e. 0b1100)
  29     octal (base 8)		starting with 0  (i.e. 014)
  30     hexadecimal (base 16)	starting with 0x (i.e. 0xc)
  31     decimal			otherwise (i.e. 12)" >&2
  32     exit $NOARGS 
  33 }   # ==> Function to print usage message.
  35 Msg () {
  36     for i   # ==> in [list] missing.
  37     do echo "$PN: $i" >&2
  38     done
  39 }
  41 Fatal () { Msg "$@"; exit 66; }
  43 PrintBases () {
  44     # Determine base of the number
  45     for i      # ==> in [list] missing...
  46     do         # ==> so operates on command line arg(s).
  47 	case "$i" in
  48 	    0b*)		ibase=2;;	# binary
  49 	    0x*|[a-f]*|[A-F]*)	ibase=16;;	# hexadecimal
  50 	    0*)			ibase=8;;	# octal
  51 	    [1-9]*)		ibase=10;;	# decimal
  52 	    *)
  53 		Msg "illegal number $i - ignored"
  54 		continue;;
  55 	esac
  57 	# Remove prefix, convert hex digits to uppercase (bc needs this)
  58 	number=`echo "$i" | sed -e 's:^0[bBxX]::' | tr '[a-f]' '[A-F]'`
  59 	# ==> Uses ":" as sed separator, rather than "/".
  61 	# Convert number to decimal
  62 	dec=`echo "ibase=$ibase; $number" | bc`  # ==> 'bc' is calculator utility.
  63 	case "$dec" in
  64 	    [0-9]*)	;;			 # number ok
  65 	    *)		continue;;		 # error: ignore
  66 	esac
  68 	# Print all conversions in one line.
  69 	# ==> 'here document' feeds command list to 'bc'.
  70 	echo `bc <<!
  71 	    obase=16; "hex="; $dec
  72 	    obase=10; "dec="; $dec
  73 	    obase=8;  "oct="; $dec
  74 	    obase=2;  "bin="; $dec
  75 !
  76     ` | sed -e 's: :	:g'
  78     done
  79 }
  81 while [ $# -gt 0 ]
  82 do
  83     case "$1" in
  84 	--)	shift; break;;
  85 	-h)	Usage;;                 # ==> Help message.
  86 	-*)	Usage;;
  87 	*)	break;;			# first number
  88     esac   # ==> More error checking for illegal input would be useful.
  89     shift
  90 done
  92 if [ $# -gt 0 ]
  93 then
  94     PrintBases "$@"
  95 else					# read from stdin
  96     while read line
  97     do
  98 	PrintBases $line
  99     done
 100 fi