Lupas Rename v3.3 (Multi-Language Version, 725 Kb) 1.Introduction 2.Features 3.Web & Email 4.History 5.Code 6.License ============== 1.Introduction ============== Lupas Rename is a freeware utility that allows you to rename all the files that you want in a quick and comfortable way. It allows you to filter, with a multiple mask, all files in a directory at the same time (including, if you want, all the files in its' subdirectories). It works with Win95, Win98, Win2Y & WinNT. The program functions under Win9x, Windows 2000 & Windows NT. The program needs 16 Bits Screen to best view the images (Flags, Buttons...) Files in this package: LupasRename.exe 742.400 Bytes english.txt (This File) spanish.txt (Spanish Read Me) word.txt (Translation File) ================= 2.Features ================= It works with the files in a specified directory. (It works with recursive directories.) It shows the result of the Rename in a Preview Window, before renaming them. (You can activate it automaticaly or manually.) It modifies the name of any file, in the same program, from the files Window. It saves the previsualed window to an ANSI file. Make a batch file (.BAT) to Rename from DOS console. (Dos doesn't allow you to rename hidden files, but Lupas Rename does!) Save/Load the configuration of all the parameters in a INI file. It allows you to begin the program maximized or in normal window. It allows redimension of the window to any size bigger than 640x480. Optional recall of the last working path. It allows UNDO option. It allows Sort before Renaming for any one of the columns of visualization in ascendent or descendent mode. You can sort by Name, Path, Size, Type, Date or Attributes. Filename Options: All the options are applied to all the filtered files. Selection of the Filters. Multi-filters with any mask. Replace the name. Replace a text inside the file for another that you specify (with the option of exact search or not). Cut n characters to the left. Cut n characters to the right. Insert text before the name. Insert text after the name. Convert to UPPERCASE. Convert to lowercase. Convert to First Letter. Convert to fIRST lETTER lOW. Extension Options: Replace the extension with any other. Insert text before the extension. Insert text after the extension. Convert to UPPERCASE. Convert to lowercase. Convert to First Letter. Convert to fIRST lETTER lOW. Autonumber: Autonumber before the name. Autonumber after the name, and before the extension. Select the first number for the autonumber. Select the autonumerber increment. Indicate the leftmost zeros wanted. ============= 3.Web & Email ============= You can find the last version in Send your Comments and/or bugs to ========= 4.History ========= v3.3 Additions: Added Support to RA Files, thanks to Evgeny Efimov Added More Languages support updated for the new version with the help menu Improved Speed Some Bugs corrected. v3.1 Additions: Support for Nintendo 64 ROMS Added a Big Menu by pressing right click in any TextBox to help you with the variables. At the moment only in English Corrected: A bug when using variables with manual numbering in any base greater than 10. Corrected Other bugs. v3.0 Translations: Translated into Polish by Dawid Wróbel. Corrected: ZeroFill now works fine with Binary, Oct and Hex Modes Some MP3 TAGs didn't read correctly, corrected! (Reported by Dawid Wróbel) Added more Options for Manual Numbering Remember: \N, is the current number given by the autonumber settings. \ND, is the current number in Decimal format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings. \NH, is the current number in Hexadecimal format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings. \NB, is the current number in Binary format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings. \NO, is the current number in Octal format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings. if you want to specify another ZeroFill you must write just the number after the expression Example: \NB12 will write the number in Binary mode and with 12 ZeroFills. Maximum ZeroFill alowed is 64 Now Also, Excel Mode (A,B,C...Z, AA,AB,AC...AZ, BA,BB..BZ,AAA,AAB...AAZ) \NE, will write the current number in Excel Mode Also, Excel Mode with the chars you specify in the Manual TextBox in Autonumbering Options, 'ABCD' ... \NEM, will write the current number in Excel Mode with the chars from Manual in Autonumbering For Example, if you write in the Manual Textbox in Autonumber 'ABCD', and you write \NEM the program will count: A,B,C,D,AA,AB,AC,AD,BA,BB,BC... if you write in the Manual Textbox in Autonumber 'MNO', and you write \NEM the program will count: M,N,O,MM,MN,MO,NM,NN,NO,OM,ON,OO,MMM,MMN,MMO... Remember: The modes \NE and \NEM doesn't work with ZeroFill. Now Support any base for numbering: If you write 'A' and a number or letter after the '\N' you can specify any base number, for example: \NA, is the current number given by the autonumber settings. \NA2, will write the current number in base 2 (Binary) \NA3, will write the current number in base 3 \NA8, will write the current number in base 8 (Octal) \NA0, will write the current number in base 10 (Decimal) \NAA, will write the current number in base A (11) (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A) \NAB, will write the current number in base B (12) (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B) \NAC, will write the current number in base C (13) (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C) \NAF, will write the current number in base 16 (Hexadecimal) (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,A,B..,F,10) You can use values from 2 to Z, and after then you can also use the ZeroFill Value Example: \NA74 will write the current number in base 7 and will write 4 zeros at the left of the number. Added More suboptions to the column's variables: Filename \1, Column 1 Added 'N', to write only the Filename without extension. Example 1: \1 will write the filename with it's extension Example 2: \1N will write the filename without the extension Size \3, Column 3 Added 'M' or 'K' to write the size in Megabytes or in Kilobytes. Added 'Z', to write the number only if the size is greater than 0 Added ',' or '.' to format the size in miles. Example 1: \3K will write the size in Kbytes. Example 2: \3KZ will write the size in Kbytes only if the size is greater than 0 bytes. Order: First you must use the chars 'M' or 'K' (Optional) After that you can use the char 'Z' (Optional) And therefore you can use ',' or '.' to format the size in thousands. Example with a file with size: 544209049 Example 1: \3 will write the size of the filename: 544209049 Example 2: \3M will write the size of the filename in Mb: 518 Example 3: \3K will write the size of the filename in Kb: 513454 Example 4: \3K, will write the size of the filename in Kb and formatted: 513,454 Example 5: \3K. will write the size of the filename in Kb and formatted: 513.454 Example 6: \3KZ, will write the size of the filename in Kb only if size is <> 0 and formatted: 513,454 Example 7: \3Z will write the size of the filename if size <> 0, else will write nothing: 544209049 v2.7 Added more Image Formats TIF(PC and Macintosh) Added Options All the functionality of the filename options in the extension options, now you can use the same options in each item, for example search-replace, cropping... Bugs Corrected Corrected a bug when inserting after the extension. Reported by Tom Corrected a few bugs (images files with 0 bytes stopped loading...) v2.6 Corrected a Bug with some formats of JPG when reporting Width, Height and Colors. Added a Hint to indicate you how many files and folders are listed in the File List. Added a Small Editor in 'More Options' from where you can write or load txt files and after use the variable '\T' to rename the files with the data text in the editor. Added Decimal, Hexadecimal, Binary and Octal format for Autonumbering Added more variables you can put in any TextBox, insert, replace... Added more Image Formats Amiga Interchange Format ILBM, LBM, IFF Deluxe Paint LBM Also added more extensions: JPEG, JFIF, JIF for JPG PCC for PCX TARGA, PIX for TGA Manual Numbering \N, is the current number given by the autonumber settings. \ND, is the current number in Decimal format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings. \NH, is the current number in Hexadecimal format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings. \NB, is the current number in Binary format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings. \NO, is the current number in Octal format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings. if you want to specify another ZeroFill you must write just the number after the expression Example: \NB12 will write the number in Binary mode and with 12 ZeroFills. Maximum ZeroFill alowed is 64 Two Digits for the Year (Optional) In all the variables where you use the Year (by default yyyy), now you can format now to yy by writting '2' after the 'Y' Sample: '\DY2', will write the two digits of the year of the current date Editor \T, is the data in the Nº Line of the editor (from 'More Options') equivalent to the Nº line in the file list Html Format \H, HTML file Title v2.5 Translated into Italian thanks to Andrea Palazzi Corrected a few bug reported by Andrea Palazzi Added Autonumbering by Directory when in Recursive Mode (Optional) Added Make a UNDO file Batch Option available after renaming files. Added New Columns Columns Availables: Name, Path, Size, Type, Ext, Date Creation, Date Modification, Date Accessed, Attributes Added Variables for Substitutions. Columns and Dates: \N where N is the column number. if you write \1 the program will write the data item in the column 1. if you write \2 the program will write the data item in the column 2. More Specific: if in 'Search Text' you write 'XX' and in the 'New Text' you write '-Size \3 Ext \5-' the program will change the words XX by '-Size nnn Ext EXT-' where nnn is the file size and EXT the extension file. You can use \n for substitute by each data in any column. If you want to write the date text from the columns 6,7 and 8 (Creation, Modification and Accessed dates) there are this options: \6, \7 or \8, this will write yyymmdd (default), but if you want to be more specific then you can use: \6y, \6m, \6d, \6h, for write only the year, the month, the day or the time. Example, the modification file date (col 7) is 15 June 1972 at 12:15. if you write '\7d-\7m-\7y' the program will write: '15-06-1972' if you write '\7d\7m\7y' the program will write: '15061972' if you write '\7' then program will write: '19720615', by default the program will write in the format yyymmdd if you write '\7m-\7d, \7h' then program will write: '06-15, 1215' MP3 Tags (only for MP3 files) \A = Title (default) \AT = Title \AA = Artist \AB = Album \AY = Year \AC = Comment Example, if you write '\AY, \A' then program will write the 'Year, Title' of the sound. Graphic Formats (only JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PSD (Photoshop), PCX and TGA supported at the moment) \G = WidthxHeightxColors (default), ex: '800x600x16M' \GW = Width \GH = Height \GB = Bits \GC = Colors (by default 256, 32K, 65K or 16M) But if you want to specify the number colors then you can use \GCC \GCC = Colors without format. Example, a 800x600x65K image, if you write '\GHx\GBBits' then program will write '600x16Bits'. Generate a Random Name \R = Random name (8 characters and numbers) \Rn = Random name (n characters and numbers, maximum 64) Current Date \D = Current Date (default in 'yyyymmdd hhmmss') \DY = year (yyyy) \DM = month (mm) \DD = day (dd) \DH = Current Time (Default in 'hhmmss') \DHH = Hour (hh) \DHM = Minutes (mm) \DHS = seconds (ss) Modified: Now when the Recursive Directories option is selected the program deactivates automaticaly the View Folders Option Rewrited the code for the ComboBox Rutines. v2.0.2a The language panel is resized correctly when the size of the form is changed. Translated into Português by Marcos F.Souza v2.0.2 Corrected a few bugs, (After Renaming, the text boxes went into read-only mode). Rewrote some routines to increment speed. v2.0.1 Now Translated into German by Michael Quack. Corrected a bug in 1024x768 or more with Font Size Selected bigger than 100%, Now it's resized correctly in all screen formats and in all font sizes. v2.0 Now Translated into French by Herve Thouzard. Now Translated into Dutch by Michiel Postuma. Added: Now, when there are errors while renaming files, due to Windows, or some opened files due to other errors, the program shows a Window with a report of the files not renamed. v1.9 The same as v1.8, but with icons in the preview Window. v1.8 It's the same version as v1.7, but now you can change the language from the program. Now there are three languages at the moment: English, Spanish and Catalan. v1.7 Added Work with Folders: If you select the option 'Work With Folders' then the program uses the folders as if they were files. Then the filter, the sort option and the rename option will affect the folders, too. Also added is an option to hide the files that permits working only with folders. If you work with 'View Folders' activated then you cannot use the 'Recursive' option. The Recursive option only works with files, and requires that 'View Folders' be disabled. Corrected: A bug with files without extension. Now it works fine. v1.6 A few Bugs corrected, thanks to Carra Bussa: After Save the Preview Window/Make Batch File/LR Options now return to its original path. Added: Now you can move by pressing Ctrl-Tab or Shift-Ctrl-Tab to go to the next tab page or the previous tab page. Added: Autonumber with Negative Numbers. v1.5 Added: Shell Extension optional. Corrected: Now you cannot enter invalid filenames in the edit text boxes. v1.4 Corrected some bugs in the GUI. Now allows rename of an individual file from the same window as visualization of files. When you move up or down with the cursors to select a file, now the corresponding file is selected correctly in the previsualisation window. Now on the option "Directory Recursive" toggles automatically to the state of Non Recursive. v1.3 Removed: The use of the bookstore Filemanager Toolset v2.5. Now all this programmed exclusively without third people's bookstores, this way it has been possible to reduce the size from the executable one when only putting the characteristics and options that are necessary to the program. Added: The option of Automatic, Directory Sort Recursive, Order for any upward or descending column. v1.0 Final Version (non beta) Added: Emergent menu with more options by pressing the right button of the mouse. Added: Guardar/Cargar the options to a file INI. Corrected small bugs with the environment: To maximize, redimension... v0.8.1b Added: To generate a batch (.BAT) for a renowned manual from TWO Added: To refresh v0.8b Added: The window of the program is now redimensionable. Added: To save the content from the previsualization window to a File .TXT Added: To begin with the Maximized window. Added: Remember the last working Directory. Added: Remember the size and position of the program. v0.5b Added: Undo Added: Multi-filters (separated by point and coma, eg: * .txt; * .exe;??? .doc) v0.3b (First Beta Publishes) Options of File Filter for any mask To replace the name for another. To replace a text specified for another inside the named file. To clip n characters to the left or the right. To insert any text before, or after, the name. To convert to UPPERCASE/lowercase or Capital To insert Autonumbering. Autonumber: To begin with the number n Autonumber: To increase every time po n Autonumber: To specify the zeros, eg 001 or 0001 or 01... Options of the Extension To replace for any other one To insert any text before or after the extension. To convert to UPPERCASE/lowercase or Capital ====== 5.Code ====== This program is programmed exclusively in Borland Delphi 4 with no external libraries. ========= 6.License ========= You are free to use this program as you see fit, however an Email or Postcard would be nice. Lupas Rename may be freely distributed as long as the files in this archive are unchanged and no fee is charged for its distribution. No part of this program may be reverse engineered, dissasembled, decompiled, or be used as part of another program. Lupas Rename is provided "as is" and without any warranty. The author cannot be held responsible for anything that happens to you or your equipment. Use it at your own risk. By using Lupas Rename, you agree to the terms of this license. ========= Copyright ========= Lupas Rename is Copyright 1999 Iván Anton Albarracin / Genius Creator, S.L. =============== Acknowledgments =============== To my brother Noel Anton for the times that I have bothered him with this program. To my friend Xavi Pallicera, for the whole help in programming (among other things) To Ingo Eckel for their excellent work with their bookstore Filemanager Toolset v2.5 of which I have learned too much. Hervé Thouzard by his French translation. Michiel Postuma by his Dutch translation. Michael Quack by his German translation. Marcos F. Souza by his Portuguese translation. Andrea Palazzi by his Italian translation, his reports and his tests. Dawid Wróbel by his Polish translation. Joan Antelman by his English corrections. Evgeny Efimov by his Pascal routines to read the TAG from Ra Files. To anyone that uses this program, for the trust in this small program.